Dead by Daylight Wiki

Coxcombed Clapper is an Ultra Rare Add-onIconHelp addons for Wailing BellIconPowers bell.

Icon Description Cost
IconAddon coxcombedClapper
A simple coxcomb knotted rope wrapped around the bell clapper to muffle its sound.
A malevolent Aura emanates from it.
  • Silences the Wailing Bell.


IconHelp bloodpoints


Icon Description
FulliconAddon coxcombedClapper UC A simple coxcombed rope knotted around the Bell clapper to create a softer sound.
  • Moderately reduces (-30 %) the range at which Survivors hear The Wraith's successful cloak/uncloak audio.

Icon Description
FulliconAddon coxcombedClapper A simple coxcomb knotted rope wrapped around the Bell Clapper to muffle its sound. A malevolent Aura emanates from it.
  • Renders the Wailing Bell completely silent.

Change Log[]

Patch 2.2.0[]

  • Rework: Survivors no longer hear any sound from the Wailing Bell.
  • Change: upped the Rarity from Uncommon FulliconAddon coxcombedClapper UC to Ultra Rare FulliconAddon coxcombedClapper.