Dead by Daylight Wiki

Styptic Agent is a Very Rare Add-onIconHelp addons for Med-KitsIconItems firstAidKit.

Icon Description Cost
IconAddon stypticAgent
A white powder with coagulant properties.
Apply the agent to a wound to stop it from haemorrhaging.
  • Press the Secondary Action button while healing yourself or another Survivor with a Med-Kit to use the Styptic Agent to grant the EnduranceIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivor Status Effect for 5 seconds.

Styptic Agent consumes the Med-Kit on use.


IconHelp bloodpoints


Icon Description
FulliconAddon stypticAgent original A white powder with coagulant properties.
Apply the agent to a wound to stop it from haemorrhaging.
  • Instantly heal 1 Health State on Secondary Action.
  • Reduces the Charges of Med-Kits by -25 %.

Styptic Agent depletes the Med-Kit on use.

Icon Description
FulliconAddon stypticAgent A white powder with coagulant properties.
Apply the agent to a wound to stop it from haemorrhaging.
  • Instantly heal 1 Health State on Secondary Action.
  • Reduces the Charges of Med-Kits by -25 %.

Styptic Agent depletes the Med-Kit on use.

Icon Description
FulliconAddon stypticAgent A white powder with coagulant properties.
Apply the agent to a wound to stop it from haemorrhaging.

Press the Secondary Action button while healing yourself or another Survivor with a Med-Kit to use the Styptic Agent:

  • Grants the Endurance Status Effect for 8 seconds.

Styptic Agent consumes the Med-Kit on use.

Icon Description
FulliconAddon stypticAgent A white powder with coagulant properties.
Apply the agent to a wound to stop it from haemorrhaging.

Press the Secondary Action button while healing yourself or another Survivor with a Med-Kit to use the Styptic Agent:

  • Grants the Endurance Status Effect for 5 seconds.

Styptic Agent consumes the Med-Kit on use.

Change Log

Patch 1.8.2

  • Change: upped the Rarity from Rare FulliconAddon stypticAgent original to Very Rare FulliconAddon stypticAgent.

Patch 3.3.0

  • Rework: reworked the ability to instantly heal to instead apply the Endurance Status Effect for 8 seconds.
  • Buff: removed the Penalty on Healing Charges, which was -25 %.

Patch 6.7.0

  • Nerf: reduced the Status Effect duration from 8 seconds to 5 seconds.


  • Styptic Agent can be used regardless of the remaining Healing charges the Med-Kit it is attached to still has.
    • It is therefore advised to use the Med-Kit for regular heals before the Add-on itself is used as it will deplete the Med-Kit afterwards.