Dead by Daylight Wiki

Modules are special pages containing data, functions or scripts that help to keep the wiki easy to maintain. All variables data are stored in Datatable. Functions are divided into separate modules in order to keep base clarity between scripts' functionality. There are several utility Modules storing modules that either don't have a distinct category or the function performs a task that's common across multiple Modules/categories.

List of Modules

Functional Modules
Utils / Tools
  • Extensions - Extension functions for existing prototypes
  • Languages - Language functions. Mainly used for resolving for pages in other unofficial wiki language
  • MathOps - Mathematical operations
  • Module:PerkImage - Function retrieving Perk Image
  • Strings - List of article/table relevant string snippets
  • Utils - Any sort of tool function (such as sorting, converting, searching or counting table elements)

Splitting the Archive is a premise to not load other necessary history logs

Not used / Other


The extension is not used currently.
Cargo is used for storing big data. Cargo works similarly to SQL, although there are certain differences. Stored data has two phases - Definition which can be found in Values sub-pages and the second phase is data stored in an actual table. This is done by adding data into the Values sub-page and then accessing the definition of the table and hitting the "Recreate Data" button. In other words the Values subpage only stores "what is supposed to be in the table" but do not actually stores it until data are not recreated.
The other perspective how to understand it is that wiki works with the cached table (that is updated by Recreate Data button) and to add new data to the table you need to add the appropriate record into Values sub-page (and then update the table).

Below can be found a list of pages/templates related to Cargo.
