Dead by Daylight Wiki

Release Dates[]

Patches Release Dates
PTB 2.6.0 / PTB 2.6.0a 6/7 March 2019
2.6.0 19 March 2019
2.6.1 20 March 2019
2.6.2 22 March 2019
2.6.3 2 April 2019
2.6.4 10 April 2019

Public Test Build 2.6.0[]


  • Content - Added a new Killer (The Plague)
  • Content - Added a new Survivor (Jane Romero)
  • Content - Added a new map for the Red Forest theme (The Temple of Purgation).
  • Feature - Added the matchmaking queue time display for both roles. This change follows the backend matchmaking changes (addition of queues) that were recently deployed.
  • Feature - Adjusted the EULA & Privacy Policy approval flow, and added an option to revoke the consent from the settings menu.
  • Feature - Changed the Character Swap controls from LT/RT to LS/RS
  • Feature - Disabled changing the active characters with the Character Swap controls while the player is Ready in a lobby. This was done as an extra check to ensure there are no more accidental character swaps.
  • Feature - Integrated an updated version of the Unreal Engine (4.21, from 4.20).
  • Feature - Modified the progression display for certain Daily Rituals. Instead of showing the percentage and minutes, we're now showing the amount and seconds. This is applicable for the following Daily Rituals: Blood Dance, *Reconstruction Ritual, Rite of Ruin, Wild Dance, and Hunt Ritual.
  • This update also contains some additional optimizations for all platforms


  • Audio adjustments:
    • Decreased the distance at which you can hear Survivors breathing and grunting while they are hiding in lockers.
    • Adjusted the basement occlusion audio balance. This will make sounds coming from the basement to be attenuated or muted in most circumstances.
    • Added / Adjusted audio occlusion for buildings with multiple floors.
  • Emblem changes:
    • Chaser Scoring: The proximity penalty has been increased. The longer a Killer stays within a close proximity (16m) to a hooked Survivor, the more points they will lose in the Chaser emblem.
    • Devout Scoring: The scoring thresholds have been modified. 3 kills now also result in a Silver emblem, whereas 4 kills results in Gold. To earn an Iridescent Devout emblem, you need to perform 10 or more hook events and sacrifice all 4 Survivors.
    • Gatekeeper Scoring: The scoring formula has been adjusted completely. Killers earn incremental points based on how few generators have been completed, each minute for the first nine minutes of the match - regardless of how long the match takes. The longer the gens are not completed, the more points they are worth. At the end of the match, the Killer also gains bonus points based on how few generators have been completed. Note: If the match is over before nine minutes is up, they receive points for the remaining minutes (up to nine) based on how few generators had been completed at the end of the match.
  • Gameplay:
    • The intensity of the Terror Radius is now scaled based on the vertical distance (in addition to the horizontal distance).
    • Survivors entering lockers now have the Blindness Status Effect applied to them.
    • Added a new scoring event for perk-based stun events (Decisive Strike/Head On) worth 500 Bloodpoints. This is referred to as Killer Stun in game.
    • Reduced the time before a player can heal a player who has recently moved, this should allow for players to start healing a recently cancelled heal quicker than before.
  • Killer perk changes:
    • Barbecue and Chilli: Auras are revealed from 40 metres for all tiers of the perk instead of 52/46/40 metres.
    • Distressing: All tiers award 100% bonus Bloodpoints.
    • Fire Up: Each tier grants a stackable 2/2.5/3% action speed bonus.
    • Hex: Devour Hope: The perk grants 3/4/5% speed boost with 2 tokens, Exposed status applied at 3 tokens, and Kills are available at 5 tokens.
    • Hex: Ruin: All tiers affect all Survivors and apply a penalty of 3/4/5% regression on a good skill checks.
    • Hex: Thrill of the Hunt: All tiers grant 10% bonus Hunting Bloodpoints per remaining totem. Cleansing speeds are the same.
    • Monitor and Abuse: The FOV values are 3/5/10 instead of slightly/ moderately/ considerably increased. Also simplified the Terror Radius value so that each tier modifies the Terror Radius by the same value, 8 metres instead of 6/7/8.
    • Spies from the Shadows: Added a 5 second cool-down when the perk triggers.
    • Thanatophobia: Tier values are incremented at a rate of 4/5/6% up to a maximum of 16/20/24%..
  • Map changes:
    • Procedural system changes:
      • Added a new line of sight check for totem spawn points within 32m from a survivor spawn point.
      • Added a minimum distance of 48m between chest objects.
      • Increased the minimum number of pallets to 8 (global).
      • Distances between spawnable objects(generators, hooks, pallets etc) are now scaled based on a vertical factor(in addition to the baseline horizontal distance).
      • Minimum distance between pallets was reduced for the Shelter Woods map.
      • Some gameplay object placement changes in the Foundry.
      • Some gameplay object placement changes on the Water Tower landmark tile.
      • Added door frames in The Game map.
      • Added new tiles to the Red Forest maps.
  • Ranking changes:
    • Pipping Thresholds: We have made some changes to the Emblem system that will affect the difficulty in which players rank up and subsequently maintain their rank. The rank groups (colors) now come with their own pipping requirements. The thresholds increase through each rank group up to the red ranks making it more difficult to pip / double pip, and easier to lose a pip. See below:
      • Rank 17-20 (BEIGE): 0-8 points = 0 pips; 9-13 points = +1 pip; 14-16 points = +2 pips.
      • Rank 13-16 (YELLOW): 0-5 points = -1 pip; 6-9 points = 0 pips; 10-13 points = +1 pip; 14-16 points = +2 pips.
      • Rank 9-12 (GREEN): 0-6 points = -1 pip; 7-10 points = 0 pips; 11-14 points = +1 pip; 15-16 points = +2 pips.
      • Rank 5-8 (PURPLE): 0-7 points = -1 pip; 8-11 points = 0 pips; 12-14 points = +1 pip; 15-16 points = +2 pips.
      • Rank 1-4 (RED): 0-8 points = -1 pip; 9-12 points = 0 pips; 13-15 points = +1 pip; 16 points = +2 pips.
  • Survivor perk changes:
    • Decisive Strike: After being unhooked by another player or yourself, Decisive Strike becomes active for 60 seconds. If you are grabbed by the Killer while the perk is active, succeeding a skill check to cause an automatic escape and stun the Killer for 3 seconds. Succeeding or failing the skill check will disable the perk for the rest of the trial. Succeeding the skill check (and thus stunning the Killer) will result in you becoming the Obsession.
    • Empathy: Empathy now works within a range of 64m/96m/128m for tiers 1/2/3 respectively.
    • Lithe: Removed the chase condition. Lithe now only triggers on rushed vaults.
    • Kindred: All Survivor's auras are shown at all tiers. If the Killer is within a 8/12/16 metre range of the hooked Survivor, the Killer's aura is revealed to all other Survivors.
    • Pharmacy: All tiers have a reduced audible distance of 8 metres.
    • Wake Up: All tiers reveal auras at 128 metres.


  • Audio & Localization:
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Halloween® music to play too loud during the camera intro when loading into Lampkin Lane.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Huntress to have the charging hatchet audio cue when reloading hatchets in a locker.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the chase music to change while under the effects of the Clown's gas bottles.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the node purchasing audio to loop if swapping characters while purchasing a node in the Bloodweb.
    • Fixed the rain audio while inside in the Red Forest maps.
    • Major localization and translation improvements. Among these improvements included fixing the proper Spanish translations for the Leader, Technician and Distortion perk descriptions, that were erroneously displaying the Lunar Event objective text, then reverted to out of date texts in patch 2.5.3.
  • Killer related:
    • Fixed an issue that caused Play with Your Food tokens to be consumed when throwing a gas bottle.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Clown's bottle to disappear at the end of his Reload animation.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Doctor not to see the illusionary pallet auras when using the "Order" add-ons.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Hag's Phantasms not to have a terror radius when the traps were triggered.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Huntress' animation to stutter when throwing a hatchet.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Huntress' hatchet cancel animation to be almost instant.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Legion to snap into position when vaulting a pallet.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare's leg to be misaligned during the pallet break and generator damage animations.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Shape's Vanity Mirror and Scratched Mirror add-ons to grant the incorrect amount of points on the first 2 hits. The points are now 300 per attack, and with the bonuses are 450 & 600 respectively.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Trapper's Honing Stone debuff icon to remain active in the HUD if rescued from a trap by another Survivor.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Trapper's Logwood Dye and Tar Bottle add-ons not to darken traps from Survivor point of view.
  • Map specific:
    • Adjusted the Scratch Mark material and texture to be seen more clearly in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
    • Adjusted the collision on certain rock assets that allowed the Legions camera to clip inside of them in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed players to shimmy up collision on the rocks on the hill, making them unreachable by the killer.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed the Huntress to throw her hatchets through multiple car assets in the Autohaven Wrecker's maps.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed the Huntress to throw her hatchets through the storage bins in The Game map.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed the Nurse to blink out of world through the top and bottom floor walls on a specific corner tile in The Game map.
    • Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap between a snow pile and a tree in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
    • Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision on one of the corners of the Resort building in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
    • Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision on the staircases in The Game map.
    • Fixed an issue that caused bear traps to sink below the ground in and around the two-story house in the Badham Preschool map.
    • Fixed an issue that caused bear traps to sink below the ground in the Blood Lodge map.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the blood decals in the house basements to disappear at certain angles in Lampkin Lane.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the wrong hook to spawn when the basement was not spawned in the preschool in the Badham Preschool map.
    • Fixed an issue that could cause players to get stuck when going down a hole with a pig's head in The Game map.
    • Fixed an issue that could cause rocks on the hill assets to have the wrong texture in various maps.
    • Fixed an issue that made it difficult for the Nurse to blink around, on and through the Ferry Boat in The Pale Rose map.
    • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to rush vault a specific window in one of the small houses in Lampkin Lane.
    • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to use a key when the hatch spawned the wrong way on the Garden tile in the Family Residence map.
    • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to use a key when the hatch spawned the wrong way on the Lookout tile in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
    • Fixed an issue that made it possible to get stuck in a specific hill collision in the Family Residence map.
    • Fixed the hex totem procedural spawn in various maps.
    • Fixed the textures on the hills in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
    • Misc LOD fixes.
    • Optimized the lighting in the Mount Ormond Resort map that was causing low framerate.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Survivors to go out of world and hold the game hostage when wiggling free or being dropped by the Killer at the exit threshold.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Meg in the Killer Tutorial not to run away.
    • Fixed an issue that caused owned characters and cosmetics to become unavailable after purchasing Auric Cells (which was fixed by relaunching the game).
    • Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be stuck in place if another survivor was healing them and got disconnected from the network.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Deep Wound on screen blood splatters to disappear when the bleed out bar ran out while Mending.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Safe Hook Rescue score event to trigger regardless of the state of the unhooked survivor, which in turn caused improper Benevolent Emblem rewards.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the trap disarm animation to have missing frames.
    • Fixed an issue that could cause female Survivors to temporarily lose their running animation after pulling down a pallet.
    • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to track progress on The Saviour Ritual when the exit gates were powered but not opened.
    • Fixed an issue that made it possible to exceed the maximum amount of points for the Devout Emblem.
    • Misc cosmetic clipping and improvements.
    • Tentatively fixed an issue that could cause a client to see a Hex Totem as a Dull Totem.
    • Tentatively fixed an issue that could cause players to get stuck in trees.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Left For Dead achievement to be awarded without meeting the requirements.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Shock Therapy achievement not to unlock when meeting the requirements.
  • Perks:
    • Fixed an issue that caused Bitter Murmur not to show all Survivors' auras when the last generator was repaired, and for less than 5/7/10 seconds respectively.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Blood Warden to show Survivors' auras when outside of the exit gate, and before the requirements were met.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Calm Spirit to continue to alert crows. Do note this is still applicable for the crow bomb in the Backwater Swamp maps.
    • Fixed an issue that caused interaction progress to regress when being interrupted from the action and failing the Decisive Strike skill check.
  • UI & HUD:
    • Fixed an issue that allowed players to switch characters and create a lobby simultaneously.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Events customization tooltips to be cut-off if the item is in the centre of the row of the characters catalogue page in the store.
    • Fixed an issue that caused a placeholder Med-Kit item to temporarily appears in the 2nd item slot when picking up a survivor as the killer.
    • Fixed an issue that caused certain Killer cosmetic category tooltips to be incorrect in the catalogue section of the Store.
    • Fixed an issue that caused certain Killer cosmetic icons to appear in the wrong order in the catalogue section of the Store.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Killer Load-out to become visible on the tally screen if a Survivor pulled their Ethernet cable on the tally screen after dying/escaping.
    • Misc UI improvements.
    • Bear traps sink into the ground in multiple areas of the Temple of Purgation map.
    • Cannot spectate when starting the Kill Your Friends lobby as a spectator.
    • Dark Devotion has multiple issues with various Obsession perks/add-ons.
    • Infectious Fright is not working as intended. When activated, it should show Survivors location, not auras. The text and behaviour are being fixed internally.
    • It is possible there could be a desync between host and clients when multiple players are working on a generator
    • Missing audio on the Spirit's husk when Phase Walking.
    • Occasionally The Plague and The Clown will lose all animation from a Survivors point of view.
    • Stepping in a bear trap can cause the audio to play repeatedly.
    • Survivors play 2 different animations when being puked on right before an action.
    • The infected VFX on the players screen is black and textureless, and covers too much of the screen.
    • The Plague can infect the exit switch by vomiting on the exit doors
    • The Plague is awarded the Contagious score event when vomiting on repaired generators and unpowered exit gates
    • The Plague's power has no audio when more than 10 metres away, and is mostly drowned out by the terror radius when less than 10 metres away.

PTB Hotfix 2.6.0a[]


  • Fixed an issue that caused Infectious Fright to show auras instead of their locations. The description has been updated accordingly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivor to play 2 different animations when being puked on right before an action.
  • Fixed an issue that caused gestures to increase the sickness level.
  • Fixed an issue that caused picking up, dropping and swapping items to increase the sickness level.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Plague not to lose Play with Your Food stacks when using Corrupt Purge.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Plague to be unable to infect items on the ground and in open chests.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the vomit splatter VFX to be completely black and take up too much of the players field of view.

Patch 2.6.0[]



  • Add-on changes:
    • Add-on Ashen Apple: +5 seconds.
    • Add-on Hematite Seal: +10 seconds.
    • Add-on Incensed Ointment: +0.3 Movement Speed.
    • Add-on Iridescent Seal: Reduced the duration of Worship mode by 20 seconds.
    • Add-on Limestone Seal: +5 seconds.
    • Add-on Olibanum Incense: +0.3 Movement Speed.
  • Emblem changes:
    • Devout: Hook event condition reduced from 10+ to 9+ hook events required for Iridescent quality. This makes it easier to achieve Iridescent quality of Devout emblem.
    • Gatekeeper: Scoring defended generators points reduced. Quality threshold requirements reduced. This makes it easier to achieve all qualities of Gatekeeper emblem.
  • Perk Changes:
    • Fire Up had it's values increased after testing in the PTB. Value increased up from 2/2.5/3% up to 3/3.5/4% for a new maximum of 15/17.5/20%.
    • Thanatophobia had it's values decreased after testing in the PTB. Values decreased from 4/5/6% down to 3/3.5/4% for a new maximum of 12/14/16%.
    • We'll Make It had it's value fixed to 100% across all Tiers.


  • Fixed an issue that allowed The Nurse to blink under the Temple stairs in the Temple of Purgation map.
  • Fixed an issue that cause items obtained in a match to be added to the players' inventory when they quit the same match.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Corrupt Purge to turn into Vile Purge while it's being used.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to see The Plague's vomit stream green while she had Corrupt Purge.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Legion and The Spirit to be unable to user their power while blinded.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Plague to get the Contagious score event when vomiting on completed generators and unpowered exit gates.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Tier I and II Deerstalker not to display auras at 20/28 meters respectively.
  • Fixed an issue that caused improper character placement when hiding in a specific locker on a specific tile in the Red Forest maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused infected flashlights to permanently have the infected/stinky green VFX.
  • Fixed an issue that caused invisible collision on the tracks in the mine building in the Suffocation Pit map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused sickness to be gained when using a map item or a key with aura reading add-ons.
  • Fixed an issue that caused sickness to be gained when using the Diversion perk.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the 75% reduced wiggle effect not to be applied on Tiers I & II of Iron Grasp.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Evil Within tier up music to play lower in volume and muffle all other sounds.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the bear trap audio to rapidly loop when vaulting into a trap.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the gold assets in the Temple of Purgation map to appear textureless on Low graphic settings.Fixed an issue that made it possible to become permanently stuck inside the temple doors when in the doorway(s) while the generator on the lower floor was repaired in the Temple of Purgation map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the stun from Head On/Decisive Strike to last longer than 3 seconds.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause The Plague's vomit stream to appear in a random area on the ground.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to spawn on top of a tree when loading into the Lampkin Lane map.
  • Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the progress bar not to visually progress and cleansing animation to loop while Survivors cleansed their sickness.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible for The Plague to infect items in a chest.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible for The Plague to use her power in the basement and in the house in the Family Residence map.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to Spectate when starting the Kill Your Friends match as a spectator.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to blind Killers with the fire cracker items.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to repair a generator from one side in the Rotten Fields map.
  • Fixed multiple crashes that were introduced in the PTB.
  • Fixed the LODs on rocks in The MacMillan Estate maps that caused them to disappear.
  • Made 2 hooks available on the lower floor of the Temple of Purgation map when the basement spawns in the Shack.
  • Misc The Plague audio improvements.
  • Misc customization LOD, Apex & camera improvements.



  • Corrupt Purge base duration is now 60 seconds instead of 45 seconds.
  • Increased The Plague Brutality and Deviousness scoring.
  • Increased the duration of infection of environmental objects to 35 seconds instead of 20 seconds.
  • Slightly increased The Plague movement speed while charging Vile Purge and Corrupt Purge.
  • Slightly reduced The Plague movement Speed while fully charged and holding Vile Purge and Corrupt Purge.
  • Survivor infection no longer resets once The Survivor is hooked.
  • Vile Purge can now correctly infect gate switches.
  • When all Pools of Devotion have been corrupted, all corrupted Pools of Devotion reset and The Killer automatically gains the Corrupt Purge effect.


  • Added a score event (Purge 200) for downing a Survivor with max sickness.
  • Increased hitting a Survivor that's not sick increased to 150 from 125 (Infection).
  • Increased hitting a Survivor with Corrupt Purge from 250 to 300.
  • Increased hitting a sick Survivor with the vomit from 1/0.10 seconds to 2/0.10 seconds.

Hotfix 2.6.1[]


  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to gain progress or unlock any Achievement on Steam.

Hotfix 2.6.2[]


  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to pick up Survivors if they were downed while cleansing themselves at a fountain.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Plague to lose all of Corrupt Purge when blinded while carrying a Survivor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Plague to keep Corrupt Purge when stunned by a pallet.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Spirit to lose her power charge when stunned by a pallet.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a Global Player Level Update error code 402 after completing a match.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Hillbilly and The Cannibal to be missing their chainsaws on the match result screen.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the text values of certain perks to be incorrect. This includes the following perks:
    • Agitation (12 meters per tier instead of 6/8/12 meters)
    • Lightborn (60/70/80% instead of 20/40/60%), Premonition (36 meters instead of 12/24/36 meters)
    • Slippery Meat (3 escapes instead of 1/2/3), Spine Chill (36 meters per tier instead of 12/24/36 meters)
    • Thanatophobia (Values are now 3/3.5/4% up to 12/14/16 respectively values were 4/5/6% up to 16/20/24%)
    • We'll Make It (100% healing speed all tiers instead of 70/80/100%)
    • Unnerving Presence (10% per tier instead of 6/8/10%).
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Borrowed Time, We're Gonna Live Forever and We'll Make It perks not to work after the exit gates were powered.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Infectious Fright perk to trigger on dead and disconnected Survivors.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an incorrect camera angle for Survivors when being mori'd by The Plague.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the aura of Survivors' hair/beard to fade faster than the rest of their aura.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible for The Plague to properly vomit on Survivors when vomiting towards their held items.
  • Adjusted the sacrifice VFX to only appear on the bottom floor of the Temple when a Survivor is sacrificed there, in the Temple of Purgation map.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when putting a reverse bear trap on a Survivor.
  • Misc localization and translation improvements.
  • Misc LOD improvements.

Hotfix 2.6.3[]


  • Feature - Added support for Twitch Game On.
  • Content - Added a new Survivor (Ashley J. Williams).


  • Changed the Decisive Strike stun time to 5 seconds, with the Survivor being free to move after 1 second.
  • The Enduring perk now affects Decisive Strike's stun.
  • With feedback from the PTB and Live, we have changed the Decisive Strike stun time to 5 seconds, with the Survivor being free to move after 1 second. This should allow for the survivor to have ~ 4 seconds at a base to try and escape the killer after the stun is successful. When Enduring is used, the stun will be reduced to ~2.8 seconds. Of those 2.8 seconds the survivor will get a head start of ~ 2.28 seconds which makes escaping possible but much harder.


  • Fixed an issue that caused The Plague to be unable to hit Survivors with Corrupt Purge in quick succession.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Plague's Brutality score events not to trigger.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the camera to follow the Killer when spectating a player in the match that is on a hook.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse to be unable to blink on the Mausoleum tile in The Temple of Purgation map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Wraith's Bone Clapper add-on to have no effect (thus making it still possible to identify distance & direction of the Wailing Bell sound).
  • Fixed an issue that could cause healthy Survivors to become infected when a fully sick/infected Survivor was saved by another fully sick Survivors.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to cleanse a totem next to a rock and tree in the Autohaven Wrecker's maps.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to cleanse from a fountain next to a tree in front of a car in the Autohaven Wrecker's maps.
  • Misc localization improvements.
  • Misc The Plague audio improvements.
  • Fixed some crash issues.
  • Fixed some instances of infinite loading screens.

Hotfix 2.6.4[]


  • Survivor pip thresholds have been adjusted:
  • At Ranks 9-12:
  • The +1 pip threshold is 10 instead of 11
  • The +2 pip threshold is 14 instead of 15
  • At Ranks 8-5:
  • The +1 pip threshold is 11 instead of 12
  • The +2 pip threshold is 14 instead of 15
  • At Ranks 1-4:
  • The +1 pip threshold is 12 instead of 13
  • The +2 pip threshold is 15 instead of 16

NOTE: Ranks 20-13 pip and double pip stay the same.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the Cleansing audio to play multiple times when a Survivor cleansed from a fountain.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to Ready/Unready in the lobby when another client left after the 15 second timer.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a temporary broken pre-lobby screen when backing out of the Twitch Challenges menu before it had finished loading.