Dead by Daylight Wiki
IconHelp movementSpeed

This Article is a Compendium of all Movement Speeds featured in-game for both the KillersIconHelpLoading killer and the SurvivorsIconHelpLoading survivor.
It also lists how Movement Speeds are affected by PerksIconHelp perks, Add-onsIconHelp addons and Status EffectsIconHelp statusEffects.

The table of contents can be found below the overview section for this page.


Movement speed is a core Game Mechanic in Dead by Daylight and greatly influences the gameplay in the Trials.

This Article serves as a compendium of all known default Movement speeds, as well as modifiers to it from various Unlockables.
All values have been datamined.

SurvivorsIconHelpLoading survivor share the same base (running) Movement Speed amongst each other of 4.0 m/s.

KillersIconHelpLoading killer, with few exceptions, have one of 2 base Movement Speeds, either 4.4 m/s or 4.6 m/s.


Dead by Daylight is made in Unreal Engine, which uses metric units for defining nearly everything, including a player's rate of Movement Speed.
All values in this Article, unless specifically stated otherwise, are in m/s (metres per second).

As a reference & comparison for the imperial system, 1 m/s is equivalent to 3.28084 ft/s (feet per second).
Multiplying any value listed in this Article by a factor of 3 should provide a sufficient approximation.

Relative Percentage

For the purposes of this Article, a Survivor's default running speed of 4.0 m/s is considered to be the base reference point for all other Movement Speeds.
It therefore represents a Movement Speed of 100 %.

Applying this reference to the two most common Killer varieties, most Killers have a Movement Speed of either 110 % or 115 % relative to Survivors.

Defining Separate Movement Speeds & Modifiers

All Killers & Survivors, have at least one default Movement Speed (or velocity) defined. A character's initial default Movement Speed is indicated as the bracketed number (1).

Any alternate Movement Speeds either come in the form of a completely separate, newly defined Movement Speed, or a multiplier applied to an already defined Movement Speed.

  • Any Movement Speed that is a result of a multiplier is indicated by a multiplier next to a bracketed number/letter. For example, a modifier of -20% on a character's initial default Movement Speed would be shown as "x0.8 (1)".
    • Additionally, multipliers can be applied to an already present multiplier. For example, a further modifier of -10% of -20% of a player's default Movement Speed would be shown as "x0.9 (x0.8) (1)".
    • There is one exception to
  • Any Movement Speed that is a result of a separately defined speed are indicated by sequential bracketed numbers; the first newly defined speed being "x1.0 (2)", the second being "x1.0 (3)", and so on.

Acceleration & Interpolated Speed Curves

Whenever a player's Movement Speed is changing (either due to changing directions or by having a modifier directly affecting it), the process is, observably, not instantaneous. This is due to the two main functions through which the game engine controls a player's Movement Speed: Acceleration & Speed Curves.

First, Dead by Daylight uses Acceleration to very quickly adjust Movement Speed, in response to both player movement inputs, & any Perk/Add-on/Power related conditions. This function is used during all speed adjustments. Second, the game engine may additionally use a Speed Curve, which adjusts a player's maximum possible Movement Speed in a (typically) gradual manner, over a specific period of time, between two or more desired velocities. Again, it is important to note that Acceleration is still used during Speed Curves.

  • Acceleration is indicated by the bracketed abbreviation (A).
  • Speed Curves interpolate (interp) the value of a player's maximum Movement Speed over a specific amount of time. There are currently 3 types of interpolation in use:
    1. A Speed Curve using Constant interpolation, which changes current velocity instantly to a new velocity at a specifically defined moment. This curve type is indicated by the bracketed exponent (x0).
    2. A Speed Curve using Cubic interpolation, which changes velocity at a decreasing rate of metres per second, throughout the defined time the Speed Curve takes effect. A cubic curve type is indicated by the bracketed exponent (x3).
      • This curve type gives an observable effect of movement speed most drastically decreasing/increasing at the beginning/ending of the curve, respectively.
    3. A Speed Curve using Linear interpolation, which changes velocity at a constant rate of metres per second, throughout the defined time the Speed Curve takes effect. A linear curve type is indicated by the bracketed exponent (x1).
      • This curve type gives an observable effect of movement speed gradually increasing/decreasing throughout the curve.


IconHelpLoading survivor

All Survivors share the same Movement Speeds & Acceleration by default.

Survivor Locomotion

Unlike Killers, who usually only walk, Survivors have 4 modes of locomotion:

Action Health State(s) Notes
Crawling IconHelp dying
  • By default, no means to enter or exit voluntarily.
  • Survivors leave no Scratch MarksIconHelp scratchMarks.
  • Survivors move slowest.
Crouching IconHelp injured or IconHelp healthy
  • Entered by pressing and holding the Crouch button.
  • Survivors leave no Scratch MarksIconHelp scratchMarks.
  • Survivors move slower.
Walking IconHelp injured or IconHelp healthy
  • Default mode
  • Survivors leave no Scratch MarksIconHelp scratchMarks.
  • Survivors move normally.
Running IconHelp injured or IconHelp healthy
  • Entered by pressing and holding the Sprint button.
  • Survivors leave Scratch MarksIconHelp scratchMarks.
  • Survivors move faster.

Default Survivor Movement Speeds

Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Crawling - x1.0 (4) - 0.7 m/s 17.5 %
Crouching x1.0 (3) 1.13 m/s 28.25 %
Walking x1.0 (2) 2.26 m/s 56.5 %
Fatigued Running* - 3.5 m/s 87.5 %
Running x1.0 (1) 4.0 m/s 100.0 %
On-hit Sprint 1.8 s x1.65 (1) 6.6 m/s 165.0 %
Acceleration - x1.0 (A) 10.0 m/s2 250.0 %


Fatigued Running is an unused Movement Speed variable for Survivors.
The code specifying this variable mentions a stamina system that would go alongside this variable, indicating that at some point during Development, Survivors were not supposed to be able constantly run at full speed.

Stamina System

Survivors would have been able to run for a maximum of 40 seconds before their Stamina would have depleted fully. In order to recharge Stamina, a Survivor would have had to stop running for 6 consecutive seconds during which Stamina would have recharged (walking and crouching still allowed). This recharge action was split into 5 seconds of actual recharging and a buffer of 1 second for the game to consider the Survivor to not be running in order to avoid stop-and-go exploitation of this system.

Fall Stagger

Whenever a Survivor falls from a large height, there is a moment of Stagger which greatly, but temporarily, reduces their Movement Speed. The Stagger duration depends on the height a Survivor has fallen from.
This mechanic is unique to Survivors; Killers do not experience Stagger when falling from a height.
This was a deliberate balancing decision, giving Killers a chance to catch up to Survivors dropping from the window of an upper floor, which Killers can only vault slowly.

Stagger Speed

Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Fall Stagger 0.0s to 2.0s x0.0 (1) (x1) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0% to 25% Action Time) 0.0 m/s 0.0 %

The information in the Table is to be understood as follows:

  • When a Survivor drops from great height, their Movement Speed is initially set to 0 m/s, preventing them from moving altogether.
  • This state is kept until the Stagger duration has elapsed by 25 %, after which the Survivor will start to linearly regain their Movement Speed, which is fully regained once the Stagger duration has fully elapsed to 100 %.

Stagger Duration

The duration of the Stagger is determined by the amount of distance a Survivor has fallen. The Duration Modifier has the following thresholds:

Fall Height Stagger Time Interp
1.25≤ metres 0.0 seconds -
1.2501 metres 0.5 seconds (x1)
5.0≥ metres 2.0 seconds

The information in the Table is to be understood as follows:

  • When a Survivor falls anywhere from a few centimetres to up to 1.25 metres, no Stagger is applied and they keep their Movement Speed.
  • When a Survivor falls from any height larger than 5 metres, the maximum Stagger duration of 2 seconds is applied.
  • Falling any distance in-between applies a variable Stagger duration that ranges from a minimum of 0.5 seconds @ 1.2501 metres to a maximum of 2 seconds @ 5 metres, with a linear interpolation between these two height thresholds.

Power Effects on Survivors


  • While a Survivor is being reeled by The Redeemer, Walking speed refers to how quickly a Survivor can move left-to-right. The speed at which a Survivor is reeled towards The Deathslinger is dictated by the "Reeling" speed of the spear itself, which can be found further down this article in The Deathslinger's Movement Speeds.
  • When a Survivor is being Thrown by The Mastermind, their Movement Speed is set to a new value for the duration of the Throw, indicated by the bracketed letter (T).
IconPowers theRedeemer The Redeemer
Power Action Survivor Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Reeling with Collision Walking x0.66 (x0.75) (2) 1.1187 m/s 27.9675 %
Reeling x0.75 (2) 1.695 m/s 42.375 %
IconPowers summonsOfPain Summons of Pain
Power Action Survivor Action Modifier Speed Relative %
3 Chains Attached Walking x0.5 (2) 1.13 m/s 28.25 %
2 Chains Attached x0.75 (2) 1.695 m/s 42.375 %
1 Chain Attached x1.0 (2) 2.26 m/s 56.5 %
IconPowers virulentBound Virulent Bound
Power Action Survivor Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Throwing Being Thrown x1.0 (T) 14.0 m/s 350.0 %
Throwing Thrown Acceleration x15.0 (A) 150.0 m/s2 3,750.0 %

Prop Effects on Survivors


IconHelp window

While a Survivor is performing a Fast Vault, their Movement Speed is increased by a flat +0.5 m/s, briefly causing them to Run at 4.5 m/s or 112.5 %, for the duration of the Fast Vault animation.


While inside a SnowmanIconHelp snowman from the Bone Chill 2021 Winter Event, Survivors were restricted to Walking as their only form of locomotion, being unable to Crouch or Run.

  • During this Event, being inside a Snowman would reduce a Survivor's Walking speed by -15 %, causing them to walk at 1.921 m/s or 48.025 %.

While inside a Snowman from the Bone Chill 2022 Winter Event, Survivors were still restricted to Walking as their only form of locomotion.

  • During this Event, being inside a Snowman would not reduce a Survivor's Walking speed.

Status Effects on Survivors


FulliconStatusEffects haste
Action Haste Effect Modifier Speed Relative %
Crawling +5 % x1.05 (4) 0.735 m/s 18.375 %
+10 % x1.1 (4) 0.77 m/s 19.25 %
+25 % x1.25 (4) 0.875 m/s 21.875 %
Crouching +5 % x1.05 (3) 1.1865 m/s 29.6625 %
+10 % x1.1 (3) 1.243 m/s 31.075 %
+25 % x1.25 (3) 1.4125 m/s 35.3125 %
Walking +5 % x1.05 (2) 2.373 m/s 59.325 %
+10 % x1.1 (2) 2.486 m/s 62.15 %
+25 % x1.25 (2) 2.825 m/s 70.625 %
Running +5 % x1.05 (1) 4.2 m/s 105.0 %
+10 % x1.1 (2) 4.4 m/s 110.0 %
+25 % x1.25 (2) 5.0 m/s 125.0 %
On-hit Sprint +5 % x1.7 (1) 6.8 m/s 170.0 %
+10 % x1.75 (1) 7.0 m/s 175.0 %
+25 % x1.9 (1) 7.6 m/s 190.0 %


FulliconStatusEffects hindered
Action Hindered Modifier Speed Relative %
Crawling -50 % x0.5 (4) 0.35 m/s 8.75 %
-20 % x0.8 (4) 0.56 m/s 14.0 %
-19 % x0.81 (4) 0.567 m/s 14.175 %
-15 % x0.85 (4) 0.595 m/s 14.875 %
-13 % x0.87 (4) 0.609 m/s 15.225 %
-10 % x0.9 (4) 0.63 m/s 15.75 %
-9 % x0.91 (4) 0.637 m/s 15.925 %
-8 % x0.92 (4) 0.644 m/s 16.1 %
-3 % x0.97 (4) 0.679 m/s 16.975 %
Crouching -20 % x0.8 (3) 0.904 m/s 22.6 %
-19 % x0.81 (3) 0.9153 m/s 22.8825 %
-15 % x0.85 (3) 0.9605 m/s 24.0125 %
-13 % x0.87 (3) 0.9831 m/s 24.5775 %
-10 % x0.9 (3) 1.017 m/s 25.425 %
-9 % x0.91 (3) 1.0283 m/s 25.7075 %
-8 % x0.92 (3) 1.0396 m/s 25.99 %
-3 % x0.97 (3) 1.0961 m/s 27.4025 %
Walking -20 % x0.8 (2) 1.808 m/s 45.2 %
-19 % x0.81 (2) 1.8306 m/s 45.765 %
-15 % x0.85 (2) 1.921 m/s 48.025 %
-13 % x0.87 (2) 1.9662 m/s 49.155 %
-10 % x0.9 (2) 2.034 m/s 50.85 %
-9 % x0.91 (2) 2.0566 m/s 51.415 %
-8 % x0.92 (2) 2.0792 m/s 51.98 %
-3 % x0.97 (2) 2.1922 m/s 54.805 %
Running -20 % x0.8 (1) 3.2 m/s 80.0 %
-19 % x0.81 (1) 3.24 m/s 81.0 %
-15 % x0.85 (1) 3.4 m/s 85.0 %
-13 % x0.87 (1) 3.48 m/s 87.0 %
-10 % x0.9 (1) 3.6 m/s 90.0 %
-9 % x0.91 (1) 3.64 m/s 91.0 %
-8 % x0.92 (1) 3.68 m/s 92.0 %
-3 % x0.97 (1) 3.88 m/s 97.0 %
On-hit Sprint -20 % x1.45 (1) 5.8 m/s 145.0 %
-19 % x1.46 (1) 5.84 m/s 146.0 %
-15 % x1.5 (1) 6.0 m/s 150.0 %
-13 % x1.52 (1) 6.08 m/s 152.0 %
-10 % x1.55 (1) 6.2 m/s 155.0 %
-9 % x1.56 (1) 6.24 m/s 156.0 %
-8 % x1.57 (1) 6.28 m/s 157.0 %
-3 % x1.62 (1) 6.48 m/s 162.0 %

Survivor Perks

Background Player

Haste Effect: +100 %
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Crawling x2 (4) 1.4 m/s 35 %
Crouching x2 (3) 2.26 m/s 56.5 %
Walking x2 (2) 4.52 m/s 113 %
Running x2 (1) 8.0 m/s 200 %
On-hit Sprint x2.65 (1) 10.6 m/s 265.0 %

Adrenaline / Background Player / Balanced Landing / Lithe / Plot Twist / Smash Hit / Sprint Burst

Haste Effect: +50 %
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Crawling x1.5 (4) 1.05 m/s 26.25 %
Crouching x1.5 (3) 1.695 m/s 42.375 %
Walking x1.5 (2) 3.39 m/s 84.75 %
Running x1.5 (1) 6.0 m/s 150.0 %
On-hit Sprint x2.15 (1) 8.6 m/s 215.0 %

Boon: Dark Theory

Haste Effect: +2 %
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Crawling x1.02 (4) 0.714 m/s 17.85 %
Crouching x1.02 (3) 1.1526 m/s 28.815 %
Walking x1.02 (2) 2.3052 m/s 57.63 %
Running x1.02 (1) 4.08 m/s 102.0 %
On-hit Sprint x1.67 (1) 6.68 m/s 167.0 %

Blood Pact / Breakout / Hope

Haste Effect: +5 %/+6 %/+7 %
Action Perk Tier Modifier Speed Relative %
Crawling Tier I x1.05 (4) 0.735 m/s 18.375 %
Crouching x1.05 (3) 1.1865 m/s 29.6625 %
Walking x1.05 (2) 2.373 m/s 59.325 %
Running x1.05 (1) 4.2 m/s 105.0 %
On-hit Sprint x1.7 (1) 6.8 m/s 170.0 %
Crawling Tier II x1.06 (4) 0.742 m/s 18.55 %
Crouching x1.06 (3) 1.1978 m/s 29.945 %
Walking x1.06 (2) 2.3956 m/s 59.98 %
Running x1.06 (1) 4.24 m/s 106.0 %
On-hit Sprint x1.71 (1) 6.84 m/s 171.0 %
Crawling Tier III x1.07 (4) 0.749 m/s 18.725 %
Crouching x1.07 (3) 1.2091 m/s 30.2275 %
Walking x1.07 (2) 2.4182 m/s 60.455 %
Running x1.07 (1) 4.28 m/s 107.0 %
On-hit Sprint x1.72 (1) 6.88 m/s 172.0 %

Champion of Light

Haste Effect: +50 %
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Crouching x1.5 (3) 1.695 m/s 42.375 %
Walking x1.5 (2) 3.39 m/s 84.75 %


Haste Effect: +25 %
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Crawling x1.25 (4) 0.875 m/s 21.875 %
Crouching x1.25 (3) 1.4125 m/s 35.3125 %
Walking x1.25 (2) 2.825 m/s 70.625 %
Running x1.25 (1) 5.0 m/s 125.0 %
On-hit Sprint x1.9 (1) 7.6 m/s 190.0 %


Haste Effect: +10 %/+15 %/+20 %
Action Perk Tier Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking Tier I x1.1 (2) 2.486 m/s 62.15 %
Tier II x1.15 (2) 2.599 m/s 64.975 %
Tier III x1.2 (2) 2.712 m/s 67.8 %

Guardian / No One Left Behind



  • The Haste effects from both Guardian and No One Left Behind stack additively with the default effect that Survivors receive after being unhooked.
Haste Effect Individually: +17 %
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Crawling x1.17 (4) 0.819 m/s 20.475 %
Crouching x1.17 (3) 1.3221 m/s 33.0525 %
Walking x1.17 (2) 2.6442 m/s 66.105 %
Running x1.17 (1) 4.68 m/s 117.0 %
On-hit Sprint x1.82 (1) 7.28 m/s 182.0 %
Haste Effect Together: +24 %
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Crawling x1.24 (4) 0.868 m/s 21.7 %
Crouching x1.24 (3) 1.4012 m/s 35.03 %
Walking x1.24 (2) 2.8024 m/s 70.06 %
Running x1.24 (1) 4.96 m/s 124.0 %
On-hit Sprint x1.89 (1) 7.56 m/s 189.0 %

Made for This

Haste Effect: +1 %/+2 %/+3 %
Action Perk Tier Modifier Speed Relative %
Running Tier I x1.01 (1) 4.04 m/s 101.0 %
Tier II x1.02 (1) 4.08 m/s 102.0 %
Tier III x1.03 (1) 4.12 m/s 103.0 %

Teamwork: Power of Two

Haste Effect: +5 %
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Crawling x1.05 (4) 0.735 m/s 18.375 %
Crouching x1.05 (3) 1.1865 m/s 29.6625 %
Walking x1.05 (2) 2.373 m/s 59.325 %
Running x1.05 (1) 4.2 m/s 105.0 %


Haste Effect: +30 %/+40 %/+50 %
Action Perk Tier Modifier Speed Relative %
Crawling Tier I x1.3 (4) 0.91 m/s 22.75 %
Tier II x1.4 (4) 0.98 m/s 24.5 %
Tier III x1.5 (4) 1.05 m/s 26.25 %

Urban Evasion

Haste Effect: +90 %/+95 %/+100 %
Action Perk Tier Modifier Speed Relative %
Crouching Tier I x1.9 (3) 2.147 m/s 53.675 %
Tier II x1.95 (3) 2.2035 m/s 55.0875 %
Tier III x2.0 (3) 2.26 m/s 56.5 %


IconHelpLoading killer

By default, all Killers generally share the same few base Movement Speeds & Acceleration. Every Killer has a unique Power however, which, in most cases, modify their Movement Speed in different ways, varying significantly from Killer to Killer.

Default Killer Movement Speeds

Acceleration & Carrying Movement Speeds

The table below contains the Acceleration & Carrying Movement Speeds of all Killers.

  • Whenever any Killer is in the Carrying state, their Movement Speed is set to a new value of 3.68 m/s. This is indicated in the tables below by the bracketed abbreviation (C).
  • Acceleration is the same across all Killers, however there are a very small handful that have re-defined or multiplied Acceleration under certain circumstances, usually due to the usage of a Power.
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Successful Carrying Attack Cool-down 2.7s x0.125 (C) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 75% Action Time) 0.46 m/s 11.5 %
Missed Carrying Attack Cool-down 1.5s x0.25 (C) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 50% Action Time) 0.92 m/s 23.0 %
Obstructed Carrying Attack Cool-down
Carrying - x1.0 (C) - 3.68 m/s 92.0 %
Carrying Attack Hitting-phase 0.3s x1.5 (C) (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 5.52 m/s 138.0 %
Acceleration - x1.0 (A) - 11.25 m/s2 281.25 %

Lunge Movement Speeds

The table below contains the Lunge Movement Speeds of every Killer. Certain Killers have differing Movement Speed modifiers while Lunging, however, this is due to those Killers also having differing base Walking Movement Speeds. Regardless of the modifier, all Killer Lunge speeds are just about the same, at a velocity of 6.9 m/s.

3.85m/s Killers

(Currently only applies to The Nurse)

Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Successful Lunge Cool-down 2.7s x0.125 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 75% Action Time) 0.48125 m/s 12.03125 %
Missed Lunge Cool-down 1.5s x0.25 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 50% Action Time) 0.9625 m/s 24.0625 %
Obstructed Lunge Cool-down
Lunge Hitting-phase 0.3s x1.79 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 6.8915 m/s 172.2875 %
Lunge Open-phase 0.5s (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 40% to 100% Action Time)
4.4m/s Killers
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Successful Lunge Cool-down 2.7s x0.125 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 75% Action Time) 0.55 m/s 13.75 %
Missed Lunge Cool-down 1.5s x0.25 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 50% Action Time) 1.1 m/s 27.5 %
Obstructed Lunge Cool-down
Lunge Hitting-phase 0.3s x1.568 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 6.8992 m/s 172.48 %
Lunge Open-phase 0.5s (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 50% to 100% Action Time)
4.6m/s Killers
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Successful Lunge Cool-down 2.7s x0.125 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 75% Action Time) 0.575 m/s 14.375 %
Missed Lunge Cool-down 1.5s x0.25 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 50% Action Time) 1.15 m/s 28.75 %
Obstructed Lunge Cool-down
Lunge Hitting-phase 0.3s x1.5 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 6.9 m/s 172.5 %
Lunge Open-phase 0.5s (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 50% to 100% Action Time)

Killer Perks


Haste Effect: +6%/+12%/+18%
Action Perk Tier Modifier Speed Relative %
Carrying Tier I x1.06 (C) 3.9008 m/s 97.52 %
Tier II x1.12 (C) 4.1216 m/s 103.04 %
Tier III x1.18 (C) 4.3424 m/s 108.56 %

Game Afoot / Hex: Devour Hope / Rapid Brutality



  • As Game Afoot's and Rapid Brutality's Haste effect is +5% regardless of its Perk tier, only this table's Tier III speeds apply to it.
Haste Effect: +3%/+4%/+5%
4.4m/s Killers
Action Perk Tier Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking Tier I x1.03 (1) 4.532 m/s 113.3 %
Tier II x1.04 (1) 4.576 m/s 114.4 %
Tier III x1.05 (1) 4.62 m/s 115.5 %
4.6m/s Killers
Action Perk Tier Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking Tier I x1.03 (1) 4.738 m/s 118.45 %
Tier II x1.04 (1) 4.784 m/s 119.6 %
Tier III x1.05 (1) 4.83 m/s 120.75 %

Hex: No One Escapes Death



  • Despite the table below only listing the calculations for walking speeds, Hex: No One Escapes DeathIconPerks hexNoOneEscapesDeath affects all Killer Movement Speeds. There is no complete table provided for this Perk, as there are an innumerable amount of possible Movement Speeds.
Haste Effect: +2%/+3%/+4%
4.4m/s Killers
Action Perk Tier Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking Tier I x1.02 (1) 4.488 m/s 112.2 %
Tier II x1.03 (1) 4.532 m/s 113.3 %
Tier III x1.04 (1) 4.576 m/s 114.4 %
4.6m/s Killers
Action Perk Tier Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking Tier I x1.02 (1) 4.692 m/s 117.3 %
Tier II x1.03 (1) 4.738 m/s 118.45 %
Tier III x1.04 (1) 4.784 m/s 119.6 %

Machine Learning

Haste Effect: +10%
4.4m/s Killers
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking x1.1 (1) 4.84 m/s 121.0 %
4.6m/s Killers
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking x1.1 (1) 5.06 m/s 126.5 %

Play With Your Food



  • For simplicity's sake, the table below only lists the calculations for Tier III Play with Your FoodIconPerks playWithYourFood.
  • Despite the table below only listing the calculations for walking speeds, Play with Your Food affects all Killer Movement Speeds. There is no complete table provided for this Perk, as there are an innumerable amount of possible Movement Speeds.
4.4m/s Killers
Action Tokens Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking 1 x1.05 (1) 4.62 m/s 115.5 %
2 x1.1 (1) 4.84 m/s 121.0 %
3 x1.15 (1) 5.06 m/s 126.5 %
4.6m/s Killers
Action Tokens Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking 1 x1.05 (1) 4.83 m/s 120.75 %
2 x1.1 (1) 5.06 m/s 126.5 %
3 x1.15 (1) 5.29 m/s 132.25 %

Status Effects on Killers


FulliconStatusEffects haste
  • Transferring a total of 30 Void Energy into Unstable Rifts during the Haunted by DaylightUnknown QuestionMark Event:
    • 75 % chance of +5 %
    • 25 % chance of +10 %
  • Treat PumpkinsIconHelp pumpkin: +25 %
3.85m/s Killers

(Currently only applies to The Nurse)

Action Haste Effect Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking +5% x1.05 (1) 4.0425 m/s 101.0625 %
+10% x1.1 (1) 4.235 m/s 105.875 %
+25% x1.25 (1) 4.8125 m/s 120.3125 %
Lunging +5% x1.05 (x1.79) (1) 7.236075 m/s 180.901875 %
+10% x1.1 (x1.79) (1) 7.580625 m/s 189.51625 %
+25% x1.25 (x1.79) (1) 8.614375 m/s 215.359375 %
4.2m/s Killers

(Currently only applies to The Shape in Evil Within 1)

Action Haste Effect Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking +5% x1.05 (x0.914) (1) 4.41462 m/s 110.3655 %
+10% x1.1 (x0.914) (1) 4.62484 m/s 115.621 %
+25% x1.25 (x0.914) (1) 5.2555 m/s 131.3875 %
Lunging +5% x1.05 (x1.5) (x0.914) (1) 6.62193 m/s 165.54825 %
+10% x1.1 (x1.5) (x0.914) (1) 6.93726 m/s 173.4315 %
+25% x1.25 (x1.5) (x0.914) (1) 7.88325 m/s 197.08125 %
4.4m/s Killers
Action Haste Effect Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking +5% x1.05 (1) 4.62 m/s 115.5 %
+10% x1.1 (1) 4.84 m/s 121.0 %
+25% x1.25 (1) 5.5 m/s 137.5 %
Lunging +5% x1.05 (x1.568) (1) 7.24416 m/s 181.104 %
+10% x1.1 (x1.568) (1) 7.58912 m/s 189.728 %
+25% x1.25 (x1.568) (1) 8.624 m/s 215.6 %
4.6m/s Killers
Action Haste Effect Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking +5% x1.05 (1) 4.83 m/s 120.75 %
+10% x1.1 (1) 5.06 m/s 126.5 %
+25% x1.25 (1) 5.75 m/s 143.75 %
Lunging +5% x1.05 (x1.5) (1) 7.245 m/s 181.125 %
+10% x1.1 (x1.5) (1) 7.59 m/s 189.75 %
+25% x1.25 (x1.5) (1) 8.625 m/s 215.625 %


FulliconStatusEffects hindered
3.85m/s Killers

(Currently only applies to The Nurse)

Action Hindered Effect Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking -10% x0.9 (1) 3.465 m/s 86.625 %
-20% x0.8 (1) 3.08 m/s 77.0 %
-50% x0.5 (1) 1.925 m/s 48.125 %
Lunging -10% x0.9 (x1.79) (1) 6.20235 m/s 155.05875 %
-20% x0.8 (x1.79) (1) 5.5132 m/s 137.83 %
-50% x0.5 (x1.79) (1) 3.44575 m/s 86.14375 %
4.2m/s Killers

(Currently only applies to The Shape in Evil Within 1)

Action Hindered Effect Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking -10% x0.9 (x0.914) (1) 3.78396 m/s 94.599 %
-20% x0.8 (x0.914) (1) 3.36352 m/s 84.088 %
-50% x0.5 (x0.914) (1) 2.1022 m/s 52.555 %
Lunging -10% x0.9 (x1.5) (x0.914) (1) 5.67594 m/s 141.8985 %
-20% x0.8 (x1.5) (x0.914) (1) 5.04528 m/s 126.132 %
-50% x0.5 (x1.5) (x0.914) (1) 3.1533 m/s 78.8325 %
4.4m/s Killers
Action Hindered Effect Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking -10% x0.9 (1) 3.96 m/s 99.0 %
-20% x0.8 (1) 3.52 m/s 88.0 %
-50% x0.5 (1) 2.2 m/s 55.0 %
Lunging -10% x0.9 (x1.568) (1) 6.20928 m/s 155.232 %
-20% x0.8 (x1.568) (1) 5.51936 m/s 137.984 %
-50% x0.5 (x1.568) (1) 3.4496 m/s 86.24 %
4.6m/s Killers
Action Hindered Effect Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking -10% x0.9 (1) 4.14 m/s 103.5 %
-20% x0.8 (1) 3.68 m/s 92.0 %
-50% x0.5 (1) 2.3 m/s 57.5 %
Lunging -10% x0.9 (x1.5) (1) 6.21 m/s 155.25 %
-20% x0.8 (x1.5) (1) 5.52 m/s 138.0 %
-50% x0.5 (x1.5) (1) 3.45 m/s 86.25 %

The Trapper

K01 charSelect portrait
Evan MacMillan
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Post-Trap-Setting Haste 5.0s x1.075 (1) - 4.945 m/s 123.625 %

IconPowers trap Bear Trap Add-ons

Coffee GroundsIconAddon coffeeGrounds: +0.05

  • This Add-on applies an additional Haste effect on top of the base-kit Haste.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Carrying x1.125 (C) 4.14 m/s 103.5 %
Walking x1.125 (1) 5.175 m/s 129.375 %
Lunge Hitting-phase x1.125 (x1.5) (1) 7.7625 m/s 194.0625 %
Lunge Open-phase

The Wraith

K02 charSelect portrait
Philip Ojomo
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Uncloaking 3.0s x0.266 (x1.3043) (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 30% to 90% Action Time) 1.59594148 m/s 39.898537 %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Cloaking 1.5s
Cloaked Walking - x1.3043 (1) 5.99978 m/s 149.9945 %
Post-Uncloak Sprint 1.0s x1.5 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 30% to 85% Action Time) 6.9 m/s 172.5 %

IconPowers bell Wailing Bell Add-ons


  • The Add-ons that affect the Cloaked Walking Movement Speed apply a hidden Haste effect.
    • Additionally, these Add-ons do not affect the Uncloaking Movement Speed.

"Windstorm" - MudIconAddon windstorm-Mud: +0.05

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Cloaked Walking x1.05 (x1.3043) (1) 6.299769 m/s 157.494225 %

"Windstorm" - WhiteIconAddon windstorm-White: +0.0666

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Cloaked Walking x1.0666 (x1.3043) (1) 6.399365348 m/s 159.9841337 %

"Windstorm" - BloodIconAddon windstorm-Blood: +0.0833

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Cloaked Walking 1.0833 (x1.3043) (1) 6.499561674 m/s 162.48904185 %

The Hillbilly

K03 charSelect portrait
Max Thompson Jr.
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Obstructed Chainsaw Cool-down 3.0s to 2.7s x0.0 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 0.0 m/s 0.0 %
Successful Chainsaw Cool-down 2.7s to 2.43s x0.125 (1) (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 75% Action Time) 0.575 m/s 14.375 %
Missed Chainsaw Cool-down 2.5s to 2.25s x0.4 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 10% to 30% Action Time) 1.84 m/s 46.0 %
Charging Chainsaw 2.5s x0.8 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 1.25s until Action is interrupted) 3.68 m/s 92.0 %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Chainsaw Sprint x2.2 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 1.0s until Action is interrupted) 10.12 m/s 253.0 %
Overdrive Chainsaw Sprint - x1.0 (2) - 13.0 m/s 325.0 %

IconPowers chainsaw Chainsaw Add-ons

Iridescent EngravingsIconAddon iridescentEngravings: +0.2

  • This Add-on applies a hidden Haste effect.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Chainsaw Sprint x1.2 (x2.2) (1) 12.144 m/s 303.6 %
Overdrive Chainsaw Sprint x1.2 (2) 15.6 m/s 390.0 %

Tuned CarburettorIconAddon tunedCarburettor: -0.2 m/s

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking - 4.4 m/s 110.0 %

The Nurse

K04 charSelect portrait


  • The Nurse's Movement Speed during a Blink is not one specific Movement Speed; Her Blink Movement Speed is dictated by the expected duration & distance of the Blink, which are dictated by the charge time & Pitch angle of the Blink respectively.
Sally Smithson
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Fatigue 2.0s to 3.5s x0.25 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 50% Action Time) 0.9625 m/s 24.0625 %
Chain-Blink Window Charging Blink 1.5s x0.75 (x0.4) (1) (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0.12s until Action is interrupted) 1.155 m/s 28.875 %
Chain-Blink Window Walking - x0.4 (1) - 1.54 m/s 38.5 %
Charging Blink 2.0s x0.75 (1) (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0.12s until Action is interrupted) 2.8875 m/s 72.1875 %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 3.85 m/s 96.25 %
Blink Attack Hitting-Phase 0.3s x1.6 (1) (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0% to 100% Action Time) 6.16 m/s 154.0 %
Blink Attack Open-Phase (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 100% Action Time)

IconPowers breath Spencer's Last Breath Add-ons

Dark CinctureIconAddon darkCincture: +0.3

  • This Add-on applies a hidden Haste effect.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Chain-Blink Window Charging Blink x1.3 (x0.75) (x0.4) (1) 1.5015 m/s 37.5375 %
Chain-Blink Window Walking x1.3 (x0.4) (1) 2.002 m/s 50.05 %

MatchboxIconAddon matchbox: +0.55 m/s

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking - 4.4 m/s 110.0 %

The Shape

K05 charSelect portrait


  • Passive Stalking refers to Stalking when there is no Survivor within The Shape's Field of View or within Stalking range. As soon as a Survivor enters his Field of View and is within Stalking range, he will switch to Active Stalking.
Michael Myers
Evil Within I
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Active Stalking - x0.2 (x0.914) (1) - 0.84088 m/s 21.022 %
Passive Stalking x0.6 (x0.914) (1) 2.52264 m/s 63.066 %
Walking x0.914 (1) 4.2044 m/s 105.11 %
Evil Within II & III
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Active Stalking - x0.2 (1) - 0.92 m/s 23.0 %
Passive Stalking x0.6 (1) 2.76 m/s 69.0 %
Walking x1.0 (1) 4.6 m/s 115.0 %

IconPowers stalker1 Evil Within Add-ons


  • The Add-ons that affect the Stalking Movement Speeds apply a hidden Haste effect.

Tacky EarringsIconAddon tackyEarrings: +0.1

Evil Within I
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Active Stalking x1.1 (x0.2) (x0.914) (1) 0.924968 m/s 23.1242 %
Passive Stalking x1.1 (x0.6) (x0.914) (1) 2.774904 m/s 69.3726 %
Evil Within II & III
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Active Stalking x1.1 (x0.2) (1) 1.012 m/s 25.3 %
Passive Stalking x1.1 (x0.6) (1) 3.036 m/s 75.9 %

JewelleryIconAddon jewellery: +0.2

Evil Within I
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Active Stalking x1.2 (x0.2) (x0.914) (1) 1.009056 m/s 25.2264 %
Passive Stalking x1.2 (x0.6) (x0.914) (1) 3.027168 m/s 75.6792 %
Evil Within II & III
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Active Stalking x1.2 (x0.2) (1) 1.104 m/s 27.6 %
Passive Stalking x1.2 (x0.6) (1) 3.312 m/s 82.8 %

Jewellery BoxIconAddon jewelleryBox: +0.3

Evil Within I
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Active Stalking x1.3 (x0.2) (x0.914) (1) 1.093144 m/s 27.3286 %
Passive Stalking x1.3 (x0.6) (x0.914) (1) 3.279432 m/s 81.9858 %
Evil Within II & III
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Active Stalking x1.3 (x0.2) (1) 1.196 m/s 29.9 %
Passive Stalking x1.3 (x0.6) (1) 3.588 m/s 89.7 %

Judith's TombstoneIconAddon judithsTombstone: -0.09

  • This Add-on applies a hidden Hindered effect.
Evil Within III
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Carrying x0.91 (C) 3.3488 m/s 83.72 %
Walking x0.91 (1) 4.186 m/s 104.65 %
Lunge Hitting-phase x0.91 (x1.5) (1) 6.279 m/s 156.975 %
Lunge Open-phase

The Hag

K06 charSelect portrait
Lisa Sherwood
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.4 m/s 110.0 %
Post-Teleport Slow-down 1.0s x0.0 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 0.0 m/s 0.0 %

IconPowers blackenedCatalyst Blackened Catalyst Add-ons

Waterlogged ShoeIconAddon waterloggedShoe: +0.075

  • This Add-on applies a hidden Haste effect.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Carrying x1.075 (C) 3.956 m/s 98.9 %
Walking x1.075 (1) 4.73 m/s 118.25 %
Lunge Hitting-phase x1.075 (x1.568) (1) 7.41664 m/s 185.416 %
Lunge Open-phase

The Doctor

K07 charSelect portrait
Herman Carter
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Static Blast 2.0s x0.25310796 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 50% to 100% Action Time) 1.164296616 m/s 29.1074154 %
Shock Therapy 1.0s x0.67 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 50% to 100% Action Time) 3.082 m/s 77.05 %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %

The Huntress

K08 charSelect portrait


  • The Wind-Up Hatchet Throw Movement Speed applies a hidden Hindered effect.
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Cancel Hatchet Throw 2.0s x0.0 (1) (x1) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 0.0 m/s 0.0 %
Wind-Up Hatchet Throw - x0.7 (1) - 3.08 m/s 77.0 %
Hatchet Throw Cool-down 1.5s x0.85 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0% to 100% Action Time) 3.74 m/s 93.5 %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.4 m/s 110.0 %
Hunting Hatchets
Projectile Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Minimum Charge - x1.0 (2) - 25.0 m/s 625.0 %
Maximum Charge x1.0 (3) 40.0 m/s 1,000.0 %

IconPowers huntingHatchets Hunting Hatchets Add-ons

Soldier's PutteeIconAddon soldiersPuttee: +0.045

  • This Add-on applies a hidden Haste effect.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Carrying x1.045 (C) 3.8456 m/s 96.14 %
Walking x1.045 (1) 4.598 m/s 114.95 %
Lunge Hitting-phase x1.045 (x1.568) (1) 7.209664 m/s 180.2416 %
Lunge Open-phase

Shiny PinIconAddon shinyPin: +0.05

  • This Add-on applies a hidden Haste effect.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Wind-Up Hatchet x0.75 (1) 3.3 m/s 82.5 %

Yellowed ClothIconAddon yellowedCloth: +0.1

Projectile Modifier Speed Relative %
Min. Charge x1.1 (2) 27.5 m/s 687.5 %
Max. Charge x1.1 (3) 44.0 m/s 1,100.0 %

Rose RootIconAddon roseRoot: +0.2

Projectile Modifier Speed Relative %
Min. Charge x1.2 (2) 30.0 m/s 750.0 %
Max. Charge x1.2 (3) 48.0 m/s 1,200.0 %

The Cannibal

K09 charSelect portrait
Bubba Sawyer
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Tantrum 5.0s to 8.0s x0.1 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 10% to 80% Action Time) 0.46 m/s 11.5 %
Missed Chainsaw Cool-down 2.5s to 4.5s x0.3 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 34% Action Time) 1.38 m/s 34.5 %
Successful Chainsaw Cool-down 2.0s
Charging Chainsaw x0.75 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 100% Action Time until Action is interrupted) 3.45 m/s 86.25 %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Chainsaw Sweep 2.0s x1.15 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 60% Action Time until Action is interrupted) 5.29 m/s 132.25 %

IconPowers bubbasChainsaw Bubba's Chainsaw Add-ons


  • All Add-ons that affect the Chainsaw Sweep Movement Speed, except Depth Gauge Rake, apply a hidden Haste/Hindered effect.

Knife ScratchesIconAddon knifeScratches: +0.02

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Chainsaw Sweep x1.02 (x1.15) (1) 5.3958 m/s 134.895 %

The Beast's MarksIconAddon theBeastsMarks: +0.03

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Chainsaw Sweep x1.03 (x1.15) (1) 5.4487 m/s 136.2175 %

Depth Gauge RakeIconAddon depthGaugeRake: -0.02

  • This Add-on applies directly to the Chainsaw Sweep Modifier value.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Chainsaw Sweep x1.13 (1) 5.198 m/s 129.95 %

Carburettor Tuning GuideIconAddon carburettorTuningGuide: -0.02

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Chainsaw Sweep x0.98 (x1.15) (1) 5.1842 m/s 129.605 %

The Nightmare

K10 charSelect portrait
Freddy Krueger
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Set Dream Snare - x0.87 (1) (x0) slope in (x0) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value instantly until Action is interrupted) 4.002 m/s 100.05 %
Walking x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %

The Pig

K11 charSelect portrait


  • The Crouch Movement Speed Modifier is coded to only deactivate either when The Pig fully completes the Uncrouch animation, or the moment The Pig begins an Ambush Attack. This is why the Uncrouch action applies such an abnormally large modifier. Once either condition is met to successfully deactivate the Crouch Modifier, the Uncrouch Modifier is deactivated as well.
Amanda Young
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Missed Ambush Cool-down 1.5s x0.08218551 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 27% to 52% Action Time) 0.378053346 m/s 9.45133365 %
Successful Ambush Cool-down 2.7s x0.125 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 75% Action Time) 0.575 m/s 14.375 %
Charging Ambush 0.75s x0.3 (x0.7826) (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 40% to 100% Action Time) 1.079988 m/s 26.9997 %
Obstructed Ambush Cool-down 1.5s x0.25 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 50% Action Time) 1.15 m/s 28.75 %
Crouch 1.0s x0.826 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 100% Action Time until Action is interrupted) 3.8 m/s 95 %
Uncrouch x1.277 (x0.7826) (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 100% Action Time) 4.59714892 m/s 114.928723 %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Ambush Hitting-Phase 0.3s x1.5 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 6.9 m/s 172.5 %
Ambush Open-Phase 2.3s (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 30% to 100% Action Time)

IconPowers jigsawsBaptism Jigsaw's Baptism Add-ons

John's Medical FileIconAddon johnsMedicalFile: +0.1

  • This Add-on applies a hidden Haste effect.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Crouch x1.1 (x0.826) (1) 4.18 m/s 104.5 %

Last WillIconAddon lastWill: +0.06

  • This Add-on applies a hidden Haste effect.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Ambush Hitting-Phase x1.06 (x1.5) (1) 7.314 m/s 182.85 %
Ambush Open-Phase

The Clown

K12 charSelect portrait


  • During the 1.0 second it takes to charge a bottle throw, the bottles' potential velocity will linearly increase from the minimum speed to the maximum speed.
  • Invigorated applies a +10 % Haste effect.
Jeffrey Hawk
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Reload 3.0s x0.35 (1) (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 15% to 100% Action Time) 1.61 m/s 40.25 %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Afterpiece Tonic & Antidote
Projectile Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Bottle Min. Charge 0.0s x1.0 (2) - 8.5 m/s 212.5 %
Bottle Max. Charge 1.0s x1.0 (3) 14.0 m/s 350.0 %
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Reloading - x1.1 (x0.35) (1) - 1.771 m/s 44.275 %
Carrying x1.1 (C) 4.048 m/s 101.2 %
Walking x1.1 (1) 5.06 m/s 126.5 %
Lunge Hitting-phase x1.1 (x1.5) (1) 7.59 m/s 189.75 %
Lunge Open-phase

IconPowers gasBomb The Afterpiece Tonic Add-ons

Fingerless Parade GlovesIconAddon fingerlessParadeGloves: +2.0 m/s, +3.5 m/s

Projectile Modifier Speed Relative %
Bottle Min. Charge - 10.5 m/s 262.5 %
Bottle Max. Charge - 17.5 m/s 437.5 %

Smelly Inner SolesIconAddon smellyInnerSoles: +0.66

  • This Add-on applies a hidden Haste effect.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Reload x1.66 (x0.35) (1) 2.6726 m/s 66.815 %

The Spirit

K13 charSelect portrait


  • The Spirit's Acceleration is set to a new value during a Phase-Walk, presumably to accommodate for the significantly increased difference in velocity between standing still & moving at full speed, in addition to the small window of time in which Phase-Walk is useable.
Rin Yamaoka
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Charging Phase-Walk 1.5s x0.0 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 10% Action Time until Action is interrupted) 0.0 m/s 0.0 %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.4 m/s 110.0 %
Post-Phase-Walk Sprint 1.0s x1.6 (1) (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 7.04 m/s 176.0 %
Phase-Walk - -
Phase-Walk Acceleration x1.0 (2) 20.48 m/s2 512.0 %

IconPowers yamaokasHaunting Yamaoka's Haunting Add-ons


  • The Add-ons that affect the Phase-Walk Movement Speed apply directly to the Phase-Walk Modifier value.

Yakuyoke AmuletIconAddon yakuyokeAmulet: -0.15

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Phase-Walk x1.45 (1) 6.38 m/s 159.5 %

ZōriIconAddon zori: +0.05

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Phase-Walk x1.65 (1) 7.26 m/s 181.5 %

Katana TsubaIconAddon katanaTsuba: +0.05

  • This Add-on applies a hidden Haste effect.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Post-Phase-Walk Sprint x1.05 (x1.6) (1) 7.392 m/s 184.8 %

Muddy Sports Day CapIconAddon muddySportsDayCap: +0.1

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Phase-Walk x1.7 (1) 7.48 m/s 187.0 %

Mother-Daughter RingIconAddon mother-DaughterRing: +0.25

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Phase-Walk x1.85 (1) 8.14 m/s 203.5 %

The Legion

K14 charSelect portrait
Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Fatigue 3.0s x0.45 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0.1s to 2.0s) 2.07 m/s 51.75 %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Frenzy +0.6 m/s (1) 5.2 m/s 130.0 %
1st Slash +0.8 m/s (1) 5.4 m/s 135.0 %
2nd Slash +1.0 m/s (1) 5.6 m/s 140.0 %
3rd Slash +1.2 m/s (1) 5.8 m/s 145.0 %
4th Slash +1.4 m/s (1) 6.0 m/s 150.0 %

IconPowers feralFrenzy Feral Frenzy Add-ons

BFFsIconAddon bffs: +0.06

  • This Add-on applies the Haste effect.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Fatigue x1.06 (x0.45) (1) 2.1942 m/s 54.855 %
Carrying x1.06 (C) 3.9008 m/s 97.52 %
Walking x1.06 (1) 4.876 m/s 121.9 %
Lunge Hitting-phase x1.06 (x1.5) (1) 7.314 m/s 182.85 %
Lunge Open-phase

Never-Sleep PillsIconAddon never-SleepPills: -0.6 m/s upon initiating Feral Frenzy

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Frenzy +0.0 m/s (1) 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
1st Slash +0.2 m/s (1) 4.8 m/s 120.0 %
2nd Slash +0.4 m/s (1) 5.0 m/s 125.0 %
3rd Slash +0.6 m/s (1) 5.2 m/s 130.0 %
4th Slash +0.8 m/s (1) 5.4 m/s 135.0 %

Mural SketchIconAddon muralSketch: +0.1 m/s per Feral Slash

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Frenzy +0.6 m/s (1) 5.2 m/s 130.0 %
1st Slash +0.9 m/s (1) 5.5 m/s 137.5 %
2nd Slash +1.2 m/s (1) 5.8 m/s 145.0 %
3rd Slash +1.5 m/s (1) 6.1 m/s 152.5 %
4th Slash +1.8 m/s (1) 6.4 m/s 160.0 %

Never-Sleep PillsIconAddon never-SleepPills & Mural SketchIconAddon muralSketch: -0.6 m/s upon initiating Feral Frenzy, +0.1 m/s per Feral Slash

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Frenzy +0.0 m/s (1) 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
1st Slash +0.3 m/s (1) 4.9 m/s 122.5 %
2nd Slash +0.6 m/s (1) 5.2 m/s 130.0 %
3rd Slash +0.9 m/s (1) 5.5 m/s 137.5 %
4th Slash +1.2 m/s (1) 5.8 m/s 145.0 %

The Plague

K15 charSelect portrait


  • While Vomiting, 100% of The Plague's directional velocity is added on top of each Vomit projectiles' initial velocity as they are being launched; Meaning that, depending on the direction The Plauge is moving while Vomiting, the Vomit projectiles' true range of speed is between 6.15m/s to 14.95m/s.
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Charging Purge 1.5s x0.7826 (1) - 3.59996 m/s 89.999 %
Purge Cool-down x0.783 (1) (x1) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 3.6018 m/s 90.045 %
Holding Purge - x0.9555 (1) - 4.3953 m/s 109.8825 %
Walking x1.0 (1) 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Vile Purge & Corrupt Purge
Projectile Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Vomit - x1.0 (2) - 10.55 m/s 263.75 %

IconPowers vilePurge Vile Purge Add-ons

Vile EmeticIconAddon vileEmetic: +0.1

Projectile Modifier Speed Relative %
Vomit x1.1 (2) 11.605 m/s 290.125 %

Worship TabletIconAddon worshipTablet: +0.044

  • This Add-on applies onto a unique modifier of the Holding Corrupt Purge Movement Speed, which is x1.0 by default.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Holding Corrupt Purge x1.044 (x0.9555) (1) 4.5886932 m/s 114.71733 %

The Ghost Face

K16 charSelect portrait


  • Passive Stalking refers to Stalking when there is no Survivor within The Ghost Face's Field of View or within Stalking range. As soon as a Survivor enters his Field of View and is within Stalking range, he will switch to Active Stalking.
Danny Johnson
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Active Stalking - x0.2 (2) - 0.76 m/s 19.0 %
Passive Stalking x0.5 (2) 1.9 m/s 47.5 %
Crouching x1.0 (2) 3.8 m/s 95.0 %
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Active Stalking - x0.2 (1) - 0.92 m/s 23.0 %
Passive Stalking x0.5 (1) 2.3 m/s 57.5 %
Walking x1.0 (1) 4.6 m/s 115.0 %

IconPowers nightShroud Night Shroud Add-ons

Drop-Leg Knife SheathIconAddon drop-LegKnifeSheath: +0.1

  • This Add-on applies the Haste effect.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Carrying x1.1 (C) 4.048 m/s 101.2 %
Walking x1.1 (1) 5.06 m/s 126.5 %
Lunge Hitting-phase x1.1 (x1.5) (1) 7.59 m/s 189.75 %
Lunge Open-phase

Leather Knife SheathIconAddon leatherKnifeSheath: +0.1 while Crouching

  • This Add-on applies a hidden Haste effect.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Active Stalking x1.1 (x0.2) (2) 0.836 m/s 20.9 %
Passive Stalking x1.1 (x0.5) (2) 2.09 m/s 52.25 %
Crouching x1.1 (2) 4.18 m/s 104.5 %

Headline Cut-OutsIconAddon headlineCut-Outs: +0.4

  • This Add-on applies directly to the Stalking Modifier values.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Active Stalking x0.6 (2) 2.28 m/s 57.0 %
Passive Stalking x0.9 (2) 3.42 m/s 85.5 %
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Active Stalking x0.6 (1) 2.76 m/s 69.0 %
Passive Stalking x0.9 (1) 4.14 m/s 103.5 %

The Demogorgon

K17 charSelect portrait
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Obstructed Shred Cool-down 2.25s x0.0 (1) - 0.0 m/s 0.0 %
Successful Shred Cool-down 3.0s x0.125 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 75% Action Time) 0.575 m/s 14.375 %
Missed Shred Cool-down 2.25s x0.25 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 50% Action Time) 1.15 m/s 28.75 %
Channeling Abyss 1.0s x0.84 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 100% Action Time until Action is interrupted) 3.86 m/s 96.5 %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Shred Hitting-Phase 0.3s x1.5 (1) (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 6.9 m/s 172.5 %
Shred Open-Phase 0.39s to 0.6s x4.0 (1) (x1) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 65% to 100% Action Time) 18.4 m/s 460.0 %
Traversing the Upside Down - x1.0 (2) - 20.0 m/s 500.0 %

IconPowers ofTheAbyss Of the Abyss Add-ons

Rat LiverIconAddon ratLiver: +0.035

  • This Add-on applies a hidden Haste effect.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Channel Abyss x1.035 (x0.84) (1) 3.99924 m/s 99.981 %

Rotten Green TripeIconAddon rottenGreenTripe: +0.15

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Traversing the Upside Down x1.15 (2) 23.0 m/s 575.0 %

Deer LungIconAddon deerLung: +0.3

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Traversing the Upside Down x1.3 (2) 26.0 m/s 650.0 %

The Oni

K18 charSelect portrait


  • Attacking while using Demon Dash is the exact same as using the Demon Strike attack. When initiating an attack during Demon Dash, it's coded to simply trigger the Open attack phase of the Demon Strike.
Kazan Yamaoka
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Obstructed Demon Strike Cool-down 2.0s x0.0 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0.5s) 0.0 m/s 0.0 %
Successful Demon Strike Cool-down 3.0s (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0.5s to 2.5s)
Missed Demon Strike Cool-down 2.0s x0.1 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0.25s) 0.46 m/s 11.5 %
Blood Fury Activation 3.0s x0.25 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0.5s) 1.15 m/s 28.75 %
Blood Fury Cool-down
Demon Dash Cool-down 1.0s x0.5 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 50% to 75% Action Time) 2.3 m/s 57.5 %
Absorbing - x0.749 (1) (x1) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0.0s) 3.4454 m/s 86.135 %
Charging Demon Dash 2.0s x0.8 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0.5s to 1.5s) 3.68 m/s 92.0 %
Charging Demon Strike x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Walking -
Demon Dash x1.7 (1) (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0.25s) 7.82 m/s 195.5 %
Demon Strike Hitting-Phase 0.3s x1.8 (1) (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 8.28 m/s 207.0 %
Demon Strike Open-Phase 0.5s (x1) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 14% Action Time)

IconPowers yamaokasWrath Yamaoka's Wrath Add-ons

Blackened ToenailIconAddon blackenedToenail: +0.4 m/s

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Absorbing - 3.8454 m/s 96.135 %

Bloody SashIconAddon bloodySash: +0.7 m/s

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Absorbing - 4.1454 m/s 103.635 %

Kanai-Anzen TalismanIconAddon kanai-AnzenTalisman: +0.64 m/s

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Demon Dash - 8.46 m/s 211.5 %

Akito's CrutchIconAddon akitosCrutch: +1.0 m/s

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Demon Dash - 8.82 m/s 220.5 %

The Deathslinger

K19 charSelect portrait


  • The Deathslinger's Chain-Break Stun has a 1.0 second "entering" phase and 1.0 second "exiting" phase which aren't considered as part of the "stun" and aren't affected by Add-ons.
Caleb Quinn
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Chain-Break Stun 5.0s x0.1 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 1.0s to 4.0s) 0.44 m/s 0.11 %
Reeling Forwards with Collision - x0.7 (x0.5) (1) - 1.54 m/s 38.5 %
Missed Harpoon Shot 1.5s x0.5 (1) 2.2 m/s 55.0 %
Successful Harpoon Shot 0.5s
Firing Redeemer
Reeling Forwards -
Reeling Backwards with Collision x0.7 (x0.8) (1) 2.464 m/s 61.6 %
Reloading x0.6 (1) 2.64 m/s 66.0 %
Reeling Backwards x0.8 (1) 3.52 m/s 88.0 %
Aiming Down Sights x0.85 (1) 3.74 m/s 93.5 %
Walking x1.0 (1) 4.4 m/s 110.0 %
The Redeemer
Projectile Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Harpoon Reeling Survivor - x1.0 (2) - 2.6 m/s 65.0 %
Missed Harpoon Returning x1.0 (3) 25.0 m/s 625.0 %
Harpoon Launching x1.0 (4) 40.0 m/s 1,000.0 %

IconPowers theRedeemer The Redeemer Add-ons

Snake OilIconAddon snakeOil: +0.1 m/s

Projectile Modifier Speed Relative %
Harpoon Reeling Survivor - 2.7 m/s 67.5 %

Bayshore's Gold ToothIconAddon bayshoresGoldTooth: +0.2 m/s

Projectile Modifier Speed Relative %
Harpoon Reeling Survivor - 2.8 m/s 70.0 %

Jaw SmasherIconAddon jawSmasher: +0.015

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Aiming Down Sights x0.86 (1) 3.806 m/s 95.15 %

Wanted PosterIconAddon wantedPoster: +0.03

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Aiming Down Sights x0.875 (1) 3.872 m/s 96.8 %

The Executioner

K20 charSelect portrait
Pyramid Head
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Cancel Rites of Judgement 1.0s x1.0 (4) - 3.68 m/s 92.0 %
Charging Rites of Judgement x1.0 (3)
Rites of Judgement - x1.0 (2) 4.4 m/s 110.0 %
Walking x1.0 (1) 4.6 m/s 115.0 %

The Blight

K21 charSelect portrait
Talbot Grimes
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Successful Rush Attack Cool-down 3.0s x0.125 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 75% Action Time) 0.575 m/s 14.375 %
Rush Duration Elapsed Cool-down 2.5s x0.15 (1) (x1) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 90% Action Time) 0.69 m/s 17.25 %
Slam Duration Elapsed Cool-down
Slam 1.25s x0.2 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 50% to 100% Action Time) 0.92 m/s 23.0 %
Missed Rush Attack Cool-down 2.5s x0.25 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 50% Action Time) 1.15 m/s 28.75 %
Obstructed Rush Attack Cool-down
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Rush Attack Hitting-Phase 0.3s x1.5 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 6.9 m/s 172.5 %
Rush Attack Open-Phase 0.5s x2.0 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0% to 75% Action Time) 9.2 m/s 230.0 %
Rush 3.0s x1.0 (2) (x1) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0% to 80% Action Time)
Lethal Rush x1.0 (3) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 15% to 80% Action Time)
Rush Acceleration - x10.0 (acc.) - 112.5 m/s2 2,812.5 %

IconPowers blightedCorruption Blighted Corruption Add-ons

Placebo TabletIconAddon placeboTablet: x0.85

  • This Add-on applies as a unique modifier to the Rush & Lethal Rush Movement Speeds.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Rush x0.85 (x1.0) (2) 7.82 m/s 195.5 %
Lethal Rush x0.85 (x1.0) (3)

Adrenaline VialIconAddon adrenalineVial: x1.05

  • This Add-on applies as a unique modifier to the Rush & Lethal Rush Movement Speeds.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Rush x1.05 (x1.0) (2) 9.66 m/s 241.5 %
Lethal Rush x1.05 (x1.0) (3)

Blighted RatIconAddon blightedRat: +0.02 per Lethal Rush

  • This Add-on applies onto a unique modifier of the Lethal Rush Movement Speed, which is x1.0 by default.
    • This modifier is shared with Blighted Crow.
Action Modifier Speed Relative % Notes
Rush x1.0 (2) 9.2 m/s 230.0 % -
Lethal Rush I x1.02 (3) 9.384 m/s 234.6 %
Lethal Rush II x1.04 (3) 9.568 m/s 239.2 %
Lethal Rush III x1.06 (3) 9.752 m/s 243.8 % Maximum with Shredded NotesIconAddon shreddedNotes
Lethal Rush IV x1.08 (3) 9.936 m/s 248.4 % Default maximum
Lethal Rush V x1.1 (3) 10.12 m/s 253.0 % Maximum with Blight SerumIconAddon blightSerum

Blighted CrowIconAddon blightedCrow: +0.03 per Lethal Rush

  • This Add-on applies onto a unique modifier of the Lethal Rush Movement Speed, which is x1.0 by default.
    • This modifier is shared with Blighted Rat.
Action Modifier Speed Relative % Notes
Rush x1.0 (2) 9.2 m/s 230.0 % -
Lethal Rush I x1.03 (3) 9.476 m/s 236.9 %
Lethal Rush II x1.06 (3) 9.752 m/s 243.8 %
Lethal Rush III x1.09 (3) 10.028 m/s 250.7 % Maximum with Shredded NotesIconAddon shreddedNotes
Lethal Rush IV x1.12 (3) 10.304 m/s 257.6 % Default maximum
Lethal Rush V x1.15 (3) 10.58 m/s 264.5 % Maximum with Blight SerumIconAddon blightSerum

Blighted RatIconAddon blightedRat & Adrenaline VialIconAddon adrenalineVial: x1.05, +0.02 per Lethal Rush

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Rush x1.05 (2) 9.66 m/s 241.5 %
Lethal Rush I x1.02 (x1.1) (3) 9.8532 m/s 246.33 %
Lethal Rush II x1.04 (x1.1) (3) 10.0464 m/s 251.16 %
Lethal Rush III x1.06 (x1.1) (3) 10.2396 m/s 255.99 %
Lethal Rush IV x1.08 (x1.1) (3) 10.4328 m/s 260.82 %
Lethal Rush V x1.1 (x1.1) (3) 10.626 m/s 265.65 %
Lethal Rush VI x1.12 (x1.1) (3) 10.8192 m/s 270.48 %

Blighted CrowIconAddon blightedCrow & Adrenaline VialIconAddon adrenalineVial: x1.05, +0.03 per Lethal Rush

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Rush x1.1 (2) 10.12 m/s 253.0 %
Lethal Rush I x1.03 (x1.1) (3) 9.9498 m/s 248.745 %
Lethal Rush II x1.06 (x1.1) (3) 10.2396 m/s 255.99 %
Lethal Rush III x1.09 (x1.1) (3) 10.5294 m/s 263.235 %
Lethal Rush IV x1.12 (x1.1) (3) 10.8192 m/s 270.48 %
Lethal Rush V x1.15 (x1.1) (3) 11.109 m/s 277.725 %
Lethal Rush VI x1.18 (x1.1) (3) 11.3988 m/s 284.97 %

The Twins

K22 charSelect portrait


  • Over the course of Victor's Pounce, there is an additional modifier applied which reduces his gravity, resulting in the leaping movement he exhibits.
Charlotte Deshayes
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Waking Up 3.0s x0.25 (1) (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0.2s) 1.15 m/s 28.75 %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Victor Deshayes
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Missed Pounce Cool-down 3.0s x0.2 (2) (x1) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 9% to 75% Action Time) 1.2 m/s 30.0 %
Obstructed Pounce Cool-down (x1) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0.09s to 2.25s)
Successful Pounce Cool-down 5.0s (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 9% to 60% Action Time)
Charging Pounce 1.0s x0.4 (2) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 75% Action Time until Action is interrupted) 2.4 m/s 60.0 %
Walking - x1.0 (2) - 6.0 m/s 150.0 %
Pounce Open-Phase x1.0 (3) 28.35 m/s 708.75 %

IconPowers bloodBond Blood Bond Add-ons

Madeleine's ScarfIconAddon madeleinesScarf: +0.3 m/s

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking - 6.3 m/s 157.5 %

Forest StewIconAddon forestStew: +0.6 m/s

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking - 6.6 m/s 165.0 %

The Trickster

K23 charSelect portrait
Ji-Woon Hak
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Main Event Cool-down 3.0s x0.6 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 10% to 25% Action Time) 2.76 m/s 69.0 %
Main Event Activation 0.5s x0.836 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0% to 100% Action Time) 3.8456 m/s 96.14 %
Throw State - x1.0 (3) - 3.86 m/s 96.5 %
Main Event x1.0 (2)
Walking x1.0 (1) 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Projectile Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Blades - x1.0 (5) - 55.0 m/s 1,375.0 %

IconPowers showstopper Showstopper Add-ons

Killing Part ChordsIconAddon killingPartChords: +0.04 m/s

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Throw State - 3.9 m/s 97.5 %

Caged Heart ShoesIconAddon cagedHeartShoes: +0.1 m/s

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Throw State - 3.96 m/s 99.0 %

The Nemesis

K24 charSelect portrait
Nemesis T-Type
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Tentacle Strike Cool-down 2.5s x0.25 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 10% to 50% Action Time) 1.15 m/s 28.75 %
Tentacle Strike Hitting-phase 0.333s x0.956 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0% to 100% Action Time) 4.3976 m/s 109.94 %
Tentacle Strike Open-phase 0.25s (x1) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 100% Action Time)
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Mutation Rate I & II
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Cancel Tentacle Strike 1.5s x0.8255 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 20% to 50% Action Time) 3.7973 m/s 94.9325 %
Charging Tentacle Strike 0.35s (x1) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 100% Action Time until Action is interrupted)
Mutation Rate III
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Cancel Tentacle Strike 1.5s x0.8255 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 30% to 50% Action Time) 3.7973 m/s 94.9325 %
Charging Tentacle Strike 0.35s x0.87 (1) (x1) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 100% Action Time until Action is interrupted) 4.002 m/s 100.05 %
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Walking - x1.0 (2) - 1.0 m/s 25.0 %

IconPowers t-Virus T-Virus Add-ons

Brian's IntestineIconAddon briansIntestine: +0.25 m/s

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking - 1.25 m/s 31.25 %

Mikhail's EyeIconAddon mikhailsEye: +0.35 m/s

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking - 1.35 m/s 33.75 %

Depleted Ink RibbonIconAddon depletedInkRibbon: +0.5 m/s

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking - 1.5 m/s 37.5 %

Shattered S.T.A.R.S. BadgeIconAddon shatteredSTARSBadge: +1.5 m/s

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking - 2.5 m/s 62.5 %

The Cenobite

K25 charSelect portrait
Elliot Spencer
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Create Gateway - x0.8 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value after 1.0s, and for 1.5s after Action is interrupted) 3.68 m/s 92.0 %
Walking x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Summons of Pain
Projectile Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Uncontrolled Chain - x1.0 (3) - 10.0 m/s 250.0 %
Possessed Chain 1.5s x1.0 (2) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time)
x1.5 (2) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 40% Action Time) 15.0 m/s 375 %
x3.75 (2) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 70% Action Time) 37.5 m/s 937.5 %
x4.0 (2) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 100% Action Time) 40.0 m/s 1,000.0 %

The Artist

K26 charSelect portrait
Carmina Mora
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Cancel Birds of Torment 0.5s x0.8 (x0.8) (1) (x1) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0% to 50% Action Time) 2.944 m/s 73.6 %
Charging Birds of Torment 1.0s x0.8 (1) (x1) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 100% Action Time until Action is interrupted) 3.68 m/s 92.0 %
Launch Cool-down 1.5s (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0.15s to 1.35s)
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Birds of Torment
Projectile Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Idle Dire Crow - x1.0 (2) - 10.0 m/s 250.0 %
Launched Dire Crow on Flight Path 0.3s x2.0 (2) (x1) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0.0s) 20.0 m/s 500.0 %
x3.5 (2) (x1) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0.3s) 35.0 m/s 875.0 %
Launched Dire Crow off Flight Path - -

The Onryō

K27 charSelect portrait
Sadako Yamamura
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Manifest 1.5s x0.87 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 20% to 100% Action Time) 4.002 m/s 100.05 %
Post-Manifest Slow-down 0.5s (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time)
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Demanifest 1.5s
Post-Projection Sprint 2.0s x1.5 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 40% to 74% Action Time) 6.9 m/s 172.5 %

The Dredge

K28 charSelect portrait
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Cancel The Gloaming 1.0s x0.8 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 3.68 m/s 92.0 %
Charging The Gloaming 0.5s (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 50% Action Time until Action is interrupted)
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Daytime Teleport x1.0 (2) 12.0 m/s 300.0 %
Nightfall Teleport x1.0 (3) 38.0 m/s 950.0 %

IconPowers reignOfDarkness Reign of Darkness Add-ons

Boat KeyIconAddon boatKey: +5.0 m/s

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Daytime Teleport - 17.0 m/s 425.0 %

The Mastermind

K29 charSelect portrait
Albert Wesker
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Slash Survivor Cool-down 3.0s x0.125 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 75% Action Time) 0.575 m/s 14.375 %
Ledge-Drop Survivor Cool-down x0.25 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 25% to 50% Action Time) 1.15 m/s 28.75 %
Slam Survivor Cool-down x0.3 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 20% to 70% Action Time) 1.38 m/s 34.5 %
Throw Survivor Cool-down 5.0s (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 40% to 60% Action Time)
Chain-Bound Window Elapsed Cool-down 3.0s x0.5 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 2.3 m/s 57.5 %
Final Bound Elapsed Cool-down
Chain-Bound Window 2.0s x0.6 (1) (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 20% Action Time until Action is interrupted) 2.76 m/s 69.0 %
Bound Vault Cool-down 1.5s x0.65 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 10% to 70% Action Time) 2.99 m/s 74.75 %
Cancel Virulent Bound 1.5s x0.8 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0% to 40% Action Time) 3.68 m/s 92.0 %
Charging Virulent Bound (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 10% Action Time until Action is interrupted)
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Bounding 0.5s to 1.0s x1.0 (2) 14.0 m/s 350.0 %
Survivor-Grab Bound-Extension 0.86s
Bound Acceleration - x15.0 (A) 168.75 m/s2 4,218.75 %

IconPowers virulentBound Virulent Bound Add-ons

Uroboros TendrilIconAddon uroborosTendril: x0.839

  • This Add-on re-defines the Modifier for Charging Virulent Bound.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Charging Virulent Bound x0.839 (1) 3.8594 m/s 96.485 %

Loose CrankIconAddon looseCrank: x0.652

  • This Add-on re-defines the Modifier for the Chain-Bound Window.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Chain-Bound Window x0.652 (1) 2.9992 m/s 74.98 %

Lab PhotoIconAddon labPhoto:

  • This Add-on grants the ability to destroy PalletsIconHelp pullDown and Breakable WallsIconHelp breakableWall with Virulent Bound, which introduces two new Movement Speeds as part of its mechanics.
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Slashing Breakable 1.23s x0.25 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0% to 100% Action Time) 1.15 m/s 28.75 %
Slash Breakable Cool-down 2.0s x0.4 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 1.84 m/s 46.0 %

The Knight

K30 charSelect portrait
Tarhos Kovács
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Drawing Patrol Path x1.0 (2) 13.8 m/s 345.0 %
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Patrolling - x1.0 (3) - 3.4 m/s 85.0 %
Hunting x1.0 (4) 4.1 m/s 102.5 %
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Patrolling - x1.0 (5) - 3.4 m/s 85.0 %
Hunting x1.0 (6) 4.4 m/s 110.0 %
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Patrolling - x1.0 (7) - 4.1 m/s 102.5 %
Hunting x1.0 (8)

IconPowers guardiaCompagnia Guardia Compagnia Add-ons

Gritty LumpIconAddon grittyLump: +0.09

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Patrolling x1.09 (3) 3.706 m/s 92.65 %
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Patrolling x1.09 (5) 3.706 m/s 92.65 %
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Patrolling x1.09 (7) 4.469 m/s 111.725 %

Call to ArmsIconAddon callToArms: +2.2 m/s

Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Drawing Patrol Path - 16.0 m/s 400.0 %

Lightweight GreavesIconAddon lightweightGreaves: +0.1

  • This Add-on applies the Haste effect.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Walking x1.1 (1) 5.06 m/s 126.5 %

The Skull Merchant

K31 charSelect portrait


  • Although the Movement Speed bonus from tracking Survivors appears to apply the Haste effect, it is actually its own unique modifier.
Adriana Imai
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Tracked Survivors
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
x1 Tracked Walking - x1.03 (1) - 4.738 m/s 118.45 %
x2 Tracked Walking x1.05 (1) 4.83 m/s 120.75 %
x3 Tracked Walking x1.06 (1) 4.876 m/s 121.9 %
x4 Tracked Walking x1.07 (1) 4.922 m/s 123.05 %

IconPowers eyesInTheSky Eyes in the Sky Add-ons

Expired BatteriesIconAddon expiredBatteries:

Tracked Survivors
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
x1 Tracked Walking x1.0375 (1) 4.7725 m/s 119.3125 %
x2 Tracked Walking x1.0625 (1) 4.8875 m/s 122.1875 %
x3 Tracked Walking x1.075 (1) 4.945 m/s 123.625 %
x4 Tracked Walking x1.0875 (1) 5.0025 m/s 125.0625 %

The Singularity

K32 charSelect portrait


  • The Overheat Movement Speed applies the Hindered effect.
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Exit Biopod Wake-up 1.0s x0.0 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 0% Action Time) 0.0 m/s 0.0 %
Post-Teleport Wake-up 1.7s (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0% to 17% Action Time)
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Overheat State
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Carrying - x0.5 (C) - 1.84 m/s 46.0 %
Walking x0.5 (1) 2.3 m/s 57.5 %
Lunge Hitting-phase x0.5 (x1.5) (1) 3.45 m/s 86.25 %
Lunge Open-phase
Quantum Instantiation
Projectile Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Biopod - x1.0 (2) - 50.0 m/s 1,250.0 %

IconPowers quantumInstantiation Quantum Instantiation Add-ons

Soma Family PhotoIconAddon somaFamilyPhoto: +0.05

  • This Add-on applies the Haste effect.
Overclock State
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Carrying x1.05 (C) 3.864 m/s 96.6 %
Walking x1.05 (1) 4.83 m/s 120.75 %
Lunge Hitting-phase x1.05 (x1.5) (1) 7.245 m/s 181.125 %
Lunge Open-phase

The Xenomorph

K33 charSelect portrait


  • Although the Turret Fire Slow-down duration is only 1 second, the duration continuously refreshes and only begins to count down once The Xenomorph is no longer under fire.
  • The Walking in Tunnels Movement Speed applies a hidden Haste effect.
Action Action Time Modifier Speed Curve Speed Relative %
Cancel Tail Attack 1.0s x0.25 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 10% to 50% Action Time) 1.15 m/s 28.75 %
Successful Tail Attack Cool-down 3.0s (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 20% to 50% Action Time)
Missed Tail Attack Cool-down x0.26 (1) (x3) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 20% to 50% Action Time) 1.196 m/s 29.9 %
Obstructed Tail Attack Cool-down
Turret Fire Slow-down 1.0s x0.8 (1) (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 10% to 50% Action Time) 3.68 m/s 92.0 %
Walking - x1.0 (1) - 4.6 m/s 115.0 %
Tail Attack Hitting-phase 0.4s x1.086 (x3) slope in (x3) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value from 0% to 100% Action Time) 4.9956 m/s 124.89 %
Tail Attack Open-phase 0.25s (x1) slope in (x1) slope out (Speed Curve fully reaches Modifier value at 100% Action Time)
Walking in Tunnels - x3.913 (1) - 17.9998 m/s 449.995 %
Acceleration in Tunnels - x100.0 (A) - 1,125.0 m/s2 28,125.0 %

IconPowers hiddenPursuit Hidden Pursuit Add-ons

Parker's HeadbandIconAddon parkersHeadband: +0.05

  • This Add-on applies the Haste effect.
Action Modifier Speed Relative %
Carrying x1.05 (C) 3.864 m/s 96.6 %
Walking x1.05 (1) 4.83 m/s 120.75 %
Lunge Hitting-phase x1.05 (x1.5) (1) 7.245 m/s 181.125 %
Lunge Open-phase

Change Log

Patch 1.1.2

  • Reduced the Gliding speed of The Nurse from 4.0 m/s (100 %) to 3.85 m/s (96.25 %).
  • Increased the Carrying speed of The Nurse from 3.504 m/s (87.6 %) to the default of 3.68 m/s (92 %).

Patch 1.5.1b

  • Increased the Walking speed of The Doctor while in Treatment Mode from 4.3 m/s (107.5 %) to 4.4 m/s (110 %).

Patch 1.7.0

  • Increased the Crouching speed of Survivors from 0.84 m/s (21 %) to 1.13 m/s (28.25 %), raising it to exactly half their Walking speed.

Patch 2.1.0

  • Increased the Walking speed of The Shape while in Evil Within I from 4.14 m/s (103.5 %) to 4.2 m/s (105 %).

Patch 2.6.0

  • Increased the Walking speed of The Plague while charging her Vomit from ??? m/s (???) to ~3.6 m/s (~90 %).
  • Reduced the Walking speed of The Plague while holding her Vomit from ??? m/s (???) to ~4.4 m/s (~110 %).

Patch 2.7.0

  • Increased the Walking speed of The Legion from 4.4 m/s (110 %) to 4.6 m/s (115 %).
  • Reduced the Walking speed of The Legion during Feral Frenzy from 5.28 m/s (132 %) to 5 m/s (125 %).

Patch 3.2.1

  • Reduced the Carrying speed of The Pig from 3.85 m/s (96.25 %) to the default of 3.68 m/s (92 %).

Patch 3.4.0

  • Increased the Walking speed of The Legion from 5 m/s (125 %) to 5.2 m/s (130 %).

Patch 3.5.0

  • Set the Walking speed of The Doctor while charging Shock Therapy to 4.4 m/s (110 %).

Patch 4.0.0

  • Removed the Movement Speed penalty of The Clown after throwing Bottles.

Patch 4.1.0

  • Increased the maximum Movement speed of The Cannibal during a Chainsaw Sweep from 5.06 m/s (126.5 %) to 5.29 m/s (132.25 %).

Patch 4.6.0

  • Increased the Movement speed of The Wraith when Cloaked from 5.06 m/s (126.5 %) to 6 m/s (150 %).
  • Reduced the minimum Movement speed of The Wraith while Uncloaking from 2.024 m/s (50.6 %) to 1.6 m/s (40 %).

Patch 4.6.1

  • Increased the initial Movement speed of The Trickster while throwing Blades from 3.68 m/s (92 %) to 3.86 m/s (96.5 %).
  • Increased the eventual Movement speed of The Trickster while throwing Blades from 2.68 m/s (67 %) to 3.68 m/s (92 %).
  • Increased the Movement speed of The Trickster during Main Event from 3.68 m/s (92 %) to 3.86 m/s (96.5 %).

Patch 4.7.0

  • Added a Movement Speed penalty to The Nightmare when placing Dream Snares, slowing him to 4 m/s (100 %).
  • Increased the Movement speed of The Demogorgon when channelling Of the Abyss from 3.68 m/s (92 %) to 3.86 m/s (96.5 %).

Patch 5.2.0

  • Increased the Movement speed of The Nemesis while holding a Tentacle Strike on Mutation Rate 3 from 3.8 m/s (95 %) to 4 m/s (100 %).

Patch 5.3.0

  • Increased the Movement Speed multiplier of The Deathslinger while Aiming Down Sights from x0.75 to x0.85.
  • Increased the Movement speed of The Plague during the Vomit Cool-down from 2.3 m/s (57.5 %) to 3.6 m/s (90 %).

Patch 5.7.0

  • Added a stack-able Movement Speed boost to The Legion for chained Feral Slashes.

Patch 6.1.0

  • Reduced the duration of the On-Hit Sprint boost of Survivors from 2 seconds to 1.8 seconds.

Patch 7.0.0

  • Increased the Crouching speed of The Ghost Face from 3.6 m/s (90 %) to 3.8 m/s (95 %).

Patch 7.4.0

  • Increased the Walking speed of The Trickster from 4.4 m/s (110 %) to 4.6 m/s (115 %).
  • Increased the Movement speed of The Trickster while throwing Blades to a fixed 3.86 m/s (96.5 %).

Patch 7.6.0

  • Increased the Crouching speed of The Pig from 3.6 m/s (90 %) to 3.8 m/s (95 %).