Dead by Daylight Wiki

Template:Perks Notice

IconHelp perks

The Perks are a type of Unlockable and a core Game Mechanic in Template:IconLink.


For more detailed information about a Perk, its history and changes throughout the versions of the Game, its interaction(s) with Game Mechanics, other Unlockables or even other Template:IconLink, please refer to a Perk's specific Article page

There are currently 125 Perks featured in Dead by Daylight.

Perks give a Character special abilities meant to facilitate fulfilling their respective objective. Perks are used by both the Killers and the Survivors. They grant an individual bonus and once unlocked will never be lost. Players can choose up to four Perks per trial, assuming that all Perk Slots have been unlocked, which is dependent on their Character's Level. All Survivors and Killers have three Unique Perks, which initially cannot be unlocked by the other Characters until one unlocks them on specific Bloodweb Levels on the original Character's Bloodweb or buys them from the Shrine of Secrets.

This Article lists all currently available Perks in alphabetical order and sorted by those exclusive to the Template:IconLink and those exclusive to the Template:IconLink.


Every Perk has three Levels or Perk Tiers, indicated by markings on the top-right side of their icon.

The number of markings on a Perk indicate its Tier, higher Tier Perks are stronger than their lower Tier variants and give the Character more or improved benefits. The first Tier of a Perk that a Character receives is always the lowest one. Higher Tiers can be randomly obtained from any next Bloodweb Level. Getting a higher Tier version of a Perk will replace the lower version.

Rarity Levels

Perks have different Rarity Levels that increase alongside their Tier. They affect the probability of a Perk to spawn at any given Bloodweb Level.

Current Rarities

  • Tier I Perks: Uncommon (Yellow) or Rare (Green)
  • Tier II Perks: Uncommon (Yellow), Rare (Green) or Very Rare (Purple)
  • Tier III Perks: Rare (Green) or Very Rare (Purple)
  • Teachable Perks: Teachable (Orange)

Teachable Perks are special variants of a Character's Unique Perks that can be bought to unlock them for all Characters. Although they share the description with the Tier I Perk variant, they are without a Tier and not a Perk as such. They can be compared to a key that unlocks the ability for them to spawn in the Bloodweb of all Characters.

1.5.0 Rarity Rework

With Patch 1.5.0, those Perks got augmented/decreased by one rarity respectively to fix an error in Perk distribution introduced in Patch 1.4.1, which caused the Bloodweb to spawn Perks in order of rarity, making it near impossible to obtain Tier II and Tier III Perks unless you unlocked all lower Tier ones first.

Old Rarities

  • Tier I Perks: Common (Brown), Uncommon (Yellow) or Rare (Green)
  • Tier II Perks: Uncommon (Yellow), Rare (Green) or Very Rare (Purple)
  • Tier III Perks: Rare (Green), Very Rare (Purple) or Ultra Rare (Pink)
  • Teachable Perks: Teachable (Orange)

Unique & Teachable Perks

IconHelp teachables

Each Character has three Perks that are unique to them and will only spawn in their Template:IconLink until they are taught to the other Characters.

Teachable Perks are not Perks as such. They have their own Rarity class and only share the Tier I description of the associated Unique Perk in order to not be blank. When buying or unlocking them, they will not be found in any Character's inventory. They spawn at specific Levels of the Bloodweb (Levels 30, 35 & 40). It is not necessary to purchase a Teachable Perk in the Bloodweb that it spawns as it will continue spawning in each subsequent Bloodweb until it is purchased.

Teachable Perks are comparable to a key, that is used to unlock the associated Unique Perk's probability to spawn in the Bloodwebs of all Characters henceforth and not just in the Bloodweb of the original Perk owner, effectively turning the formerly Unique Perk into a general Perk.

It should be noted, that Bloodwebs are procedurally generated and thus finding a specific Perk is based purely on random chance. Unlocking a Teachable Perk does not guarantee its spawn in the very next Bloodweb of any Character. It is entirely possible for an unlocked Teachable Perk to not appear in another Character's Bloodweb until several Levels later.

Once unlocked, Teachable Perks are independent of their original Character, meaning that it is entirely possible for a Character to own a high Tier version of a taught Perk and the original Character only owning a low Tier version of their Unique Perk. Prestiging the original Character also does not affect already unlocked Teachable Perks in any way and any remaining locked Teachable Perks will reappear at their appropriate spawn Level.

Another way of unlocking the Unique Perks is by buying the Teachable Perks from the Template:IconLink with Template:IconLink.


Unique Survivor Perks

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Unique Killer Perks

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Survivor Perks (71)

Template:Perks Survivor

Killer Perks (63)

Template:Perks Killer

Unused Perks

The following Perks are found in the game files, but unused in the Game itself:

Icon Name Description Belonging to
IconPerks artefactHunter
Artefact Hunter Template:Perk desc Template:IconLink
No Icon In The Dark Template:Perk desc Template:IconLink
IconPerks lastStanding
Last Standing Template:Perk desc Template:IconLink
No Icon Overconfidence Template:Perk desc Template:IconLink
IconPerks toughRunner
Tough Runner Template:Perk desc Template:IconLink
IconPerks underperform
Underperform Template:Perk desc Template:IconLink

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