Dead by Daylight Wiki

Three Survivors with varying Survivor Ranks; Rank 10, 4, and 20 (left to right).

Rank is a feature in ranked trials of Template:IconLink.

The Player's Rank is dependent on how many "Pips" they have accumulated from playing ranked games (any game-mode that isn't Kill Your Friends). The number of a Character's Rank indicates the Player's overall skill level at the game. The highest is Rank 1, the lowest Rank 20. To "rank up" means to have gained enough Pips to increase your Rank by one. Similarly, "ranking down" means to have failed to receive a Pip.

By ranking up, Players will be placed in lobbies against other Players of similar Ranks, and will display more colourful Rank borders.


There are two types of Ranks in Dead by Daylight. Template:IconLink have a Killer Rank, whilst Template:IconLink have a Survivor Rank.
Unlike Levels, Ranks are shared between all Survivors and between all Killers.

Rank Colours

As a Player ranks up, the Rank colour changes alongside the symbol.
The types of colours (though not matching exactly) mostly correspond to the order of rarity used for in-game Unlockables:

Rank Colour
20 - 17 Grey
16 - 13 Yellow
12 - 9 Green
8 - 5 Purple
4 - 1 Red

Obtaining Pips

Rank endOfMatch

A player receiving one pip after a match.

In order to rank, players must play ranked matches and accumulate Template:IconLink. For Survivors, there are four categories in which they are able to obtain points: objectives, survival, altruism, and boldness; Killers too have four scoring categories, but as of Patch 1.5.3, pipping for Killers uses a different system.

After the match ends, or if the player dies, the player will be shown their total score as a breakdown from the four categories. Concurrently, a red bar beneath this information will begin to fill - with the bar representing the player's total Bloodpoints accumulated. In order to gain pips, the red bar must fill up past a white pip. Players can earn up to two pips per match.

After a Survivor's Bloodpoint score reaches 5,000 in a category, the additional Bloodpoints earned will not count towards their rank. For example, if a Survivor earned 8,000 Bloodpoints in one category and 2,000 in another, they would not gain a pip, due to the fact that each category caps at 5,000 "ranking" Bloodpoints (and therefore the total "ranking" Bloodpoints would be 7,000). However, the Player would not lose a pip, due to the fact that they earned 7,000 "ranking" Bloodpoints which are enough for a safety pip. The "spendable" Bloodpoints received by the Player at the end of the match will be 10,000.


Bloodpoints within each category give progress to obtaining pips (e.g. Objectives, Survival, Boldness, etc). Up to 5000 categorical score can be earned per category. The maximum Bloodpoints obtainable per category is 8000 however. (Any more will result in MAX being displayed alongside obtained points in game, and will not give more points).

"Ranking" Bloodpoints required Pips Awarded
0 - 6999 -1
7000 - 9999 0 (Safety Pip)
10000 - 19999 1
20000 - 32000 2


As of Patch 1.5.3, the pip system for Killers is based upon achieved sacrifices and not upon the amount of Bloodpoints achieved in a scoring category, those two are now completely independent.

Killers earn Killer Goals by bringing a Survivor closer and closer to being sacrificed. The scoring events necessary for that are:

  1. Hooking: For each hook phase, you gain +1 Killer Goals.
    • First time hooked +1
    • Struggle +1
    • Sacrifice +2 (+1 for the phase and +1 for the player's death)
  2. Memento Mori: Performing a Memento Mori on a Survivor grants +2 Killer Goals. (+ 1 for the action and +1 for the player’s death)
    • Bleed out: Bleeding out a Survivor grants +1 Killer Goals. (+0 for the bleed out and +1 for the player's death)
  3. Survivor Disconnect Loading: Survivors who disconnect during loading will grant Killers +2 Killer Goals each. (Killers should still be able to satisfy their Killer Goals when this happens, but as the Killer did not play against these Survivors he is only granted half the points)
  4. Survivor Disconnect during Trial: Survivors who disconnect after 5 minutes of the Trial will grant the Killer +4 Killer Goals as they would be depriving the Killer of his Killer Goals.
  5. Killer Disconnects: All Killer Goals are negated and the Killer is awarded 0 Killer Goals.

Killer Goals Pips Awarded Displayed Message
0 - 7 -1 Entity Displeased
8 0 (Safety Pip) Brutal Killer
9 - 15 1 Ruthless Killer
16 2 Merciless Killer


Rank totalPips

After a match has concluded, the number of Pips obtained will be put towards the Player's Rank for either the Killer Rank or Survivor Rank. If a Player has filled their Pip slots to the maximum, the Player will Rank up and their Pips will be reset, up to Rank 1. If a player completes a match without receiving a pip, they will lose a Pip from their Rank. If they lose enough Pips, they will de-rank and lose a Rank, up to Rank 20.

In the image to the right, the Player is Rank 19. If they gain one more Pip, they will rank up (Rank 18). If they fail to earn a pip three times consecutively, the player will de-rank (Rank 20).

As a Player ranks up, the number of Pips to reach the next Rank will increase.
The table below displays the number of Pips required to rank up:

Rank Pips to rank pp
20 - 19 3
18 - 13 4
12 - 2 5

At Rank 1, pips can be accumulated and stored. There can be up to 5 pips stored on Rank 1.


On the 13th of each month, Ranks reset. Currently, no ranking rewards are given by the end of the season.


  • Before Patch 1.0.6, players were required to obtain 10,000 Bloodpoints or they would lose a pip. Patch 1.0.6 changed this to the current variation.